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Regional update club night and events


PCGB Member
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]Hi Everyone[FONT=verdana,geneva"]

[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"] [FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]A reminder its club night this Wednesday the 12th July 16. Come along and join us at the Old Ferryboat in the sunshine, yes sunshine is forecast. Below are a couple of Regional events. Our Concours and Super Car Sunday. No turn up on the day for either, advance registration is required for both. Thank you to all who continue to support the raffle bringing prizes and purchasing tickets.[FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"] [FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]Enjoy your cars, club and events.[FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"] [FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]John Dunn[FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]RO and Committee[FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]R24 PCGB [FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"] [FONT=verdana,geneva"]
[FONT=comic sans ms, sans-serif"]-----------------[FONT=verdana,geneva"]

Regional Concours Porsche Centre Cambridge 21st August 2016.
We are pleased to report that the Porsche Centre Cambridge will be hosting us for our Regional Concours event. This will take place on Sunday the 21st August 2016. All cars attending this event will be entered into the concours.
Would you please arrive at the PC Cambridge at 1000hrs. On arrival Tea Coffee etc will be provided. All cars will be directed to be parked on the Centre forecourt. This will be your last chance to get some final detailing done and give you a chance of taking home a trophy. So bring your polish etc.

Cars will be judged in the following classes:-

Young ones. Years 2006 – 2016
Middle Years. 2005 1995
Early Years. pre 1995
Visitors Class - All years

Trophies will be awarded to all class winners and second and third place cars will also receive an award. Please note Visitors class is winners only Trophy.

We will also have an overall Regional concours Champion who will receive the Jeremy Burchall Trophy.

As ever you will be the judges and whoever walks off with the trophies/prizes will be your decision. Some of you may recall our previous Concours event at the Cambridge Centre. This scoring method used for judging proved to be popular and this may well be the points system you use to decide who our Regional cocnours winners are in 2016. A lunch will also be served.

[FONT=segoe ui, sans-serif"]Parking Spaces and catering arrangements dictate no turn up on the day. Bookings taken at Club night or e mail please.[FONT=verdana,geneva"]


Supercar Sunday 4th September 2016
Advance notice for Super Car Sunday at the Sharnbrook Hotel.
A very popular event that has become a regular on the Regional calendar. We have requested parking for fifty cars and also reserved seating for lunch. At this stage we are taking bookings so if you would like to attend and take lunch (I will have the menu at Club night) whilst watching the Italian F1 GP please get along to club night or email me. More details next months PP. Also see:-
Hi John

I sent you an email a few week back with an offer of an extra display of my Porsche die-cast models at your
Concours but as yet I have had no reply and I would be interested in entering my Porsche Boxster 2.9 Gen 2
car in the visitors class if your not interested in my extra offer.

Can you let me know via emailing me on many thanks Kevin.


You wrote to me on the 24th June 16.

I responded to your email with my e mail (copied below) on the 26th June 16.

A meeting for PC Cambridge event has been made (Late next week) and when I have the final details of the event I will inform you.



Copy of relevant parts of e mail sent 26 June 16

Hi Kevin

Thanks for your e mail.

Re offer of display models. I will have to see the PC Cambridge manager to seek his views on the offer of display.

Concours. I have yet to make final arrangements with the PC Cambridge for this. I have noted your interest. I will e mail you once I have had this meeting.

Sorry not a lot of answers but as you may know a lot of changes at the Cambridge Centre and still in the settling in stage for the new manager.



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