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Register of the Year


PCGB Admin
And the winner is ... the 991 Register [:D][:D]

At the AGM at Cornbury House today we won the David Gilhooley Register of the Year award (the actual trophy stays at the Club Office).

Thanks to all of you who have supported our various events last year (and this) as it is the members who make a Register work. It was most unexpected but I'd like to think it is also recognition for the work our friends in the register freely give, and particularly to Lesley who has made all our tours successful through her route planning and navigation skills.

Well done Peter and Lesley ,great to see recognition for your efforts that make 991 events such a success. [:D]
long may it continue.
John and Lyn
That's well deserved recognition for the hard work Peter and Lesley have put in to make all the 991 events so enjoyable, what a great team.
Congratulations and well done to the 991 register.
It's great to see the modern registers getting recognition for enabling members to enjoy their cars in another dimension from regional events.
Well done Peter and Lesley.
Well done Peter and Lesley, very well deserved in recognition of all the effort you and Lesley put in to organising great events. You only have to look at how quickly the announcement of a new event results in filling the available spaces to see how the register members appreciate your efforts.


Well done you 2 it took a little time to get the register up and running but you have a real success on your hands.

Your events are filled as soon as they are announced which is a sign of the confidence the members have in the register.

You now have a lot to live up to so no pressure going forward.

Well done.

Congratulations to Peter & Lesley. Fantastic job being done by both of you. We are so looking forward to the September tour
Peter & Laura
Great result Peter and Lesley and thoroughly well deserved. Keep up the good work, we're all in a long line right behind you [;)]

Nick and Anne
Congratulations to you both, and thank you for all your hard work.

All the best


It's great to see the modern registers getting recognition for enabling members to enjoy their cars in another dimension from regional events.
I do believe we might have you two to thank for starting that era! Standing on the shoulders of giants (to quote Sir Isaac Newton!)[:)]

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