I've replaced my battery this weekend with a Bosch Silver one. []
To get the old battery out I had to undo the battery clamp, which meant the spare wheel had to come out (it prevents access to the bolt on the clamp).
Sounds easy?! But however I positioned, twisted and pulled the spare wheel - I couldn't get it out. It's blocked in by the ABS unit on the left side of the front compartment, by the VIN number plate. Eventually I had to unbolt the ABS unit so I could get the wheel out - all just to replace a battery.[&:]
Where is your ABS unit positioned, and does it stop you getting the spare wheel out? Does your VIN number tab stick-out above your spare wheel? Surely we don't all have to unbolt the ABS unit at the side of the road, in the rain, at night just to get at the spare wheel? Or do you just call the AA team to flatbed you home? []
To get the old battery out I had to undo the battery clamp, which meant the spare wheel had to come out (it prevents access to the bolt on the clamp).
Sounds easy?! But however I positioned, twisted and pulled the spare wheel - I couldn't get it out. It's blocked in by the ABS unit on the left side of the front compartment, by the VIN number plate. Eventually I had to unbolt the ABS unit so I could get the wheel out - all just to replace a battery.[&:]
Where is your ABS unit positioned, and does it stop you getting the spare wheel out? Does your VIN number tab stick-out above your spare wheel? Surely we don't all have to unbolt the ABS unit at the side of the road, in the rain, at night just to get at the spare wheel? Or do you just call the AA team to flatbed you home? []