New member
The windscreen washer pump is located on the tank, located above the plastic shield on the left side of the car, you'll need to remove both wing plastic shields once you've removed the wheel to gain access.
When you've done this the tank is visible, it's held on by 2 bolts, give them a good spray with WD40, mine were tight to remove and would probably have snapped had I not worked them back and forward using lots of WD40, The nuts are part of the bracket so this would not have been good if they'd snapped (though it wouldn't have been the end of the world, a couple of tie wraps could have held the tank in place)
Now remove the top hose jubilee clip, here's a pic of the hose once the tank has been removed showing one of the mounting points.

And a pic of the front mounting point

Now slide the tank rearwards and turn it anticlockwise so it can be removed, then take off the 2 clips holding the 2 hoses and the 3 electrical multiplugs, the windscreen washer pump is the one with the smaller diameter hose, the headlight pump has the larger hose.
The clips are not jubileee type they're the ones which cannot be slackened, so prise them off carefully as the plastic outlets from the pumps will break off easily (Speaking from experience!!)
The pump just pulls out.

Refitting is the just the reversal of removal obviously, I used jubilee clips on refitting, and didn't replace the fluid level sensor multiplug as my car is summer use only and I only need a pint or so of washer fluid, the tank holds over a gallon so I'm saving around 5 Kilogrammes in weight by not filling it (you need over half a gallon of washer fluid to extinguish the sensor light on the dash if it's connected)
Clean the bolts holding the tank with a wire brush before refitting and use lots of copper grease on the bolts.