My Bosch battery is six years old so I am wondering whether I should change it as a precaution. I have been caught out before. However, the car spends most time in my garage connected to my Ctek charger. Most comments I have read here are less than complimentary about the OE Moll battery. Contrary to this a recent German ADAC report, a ("Which") like testing program, indicates the Moll to be superior to any other make. I am a member of the ADAC and receive their monthly mag. I like to use OE replacements and this would placate my local and helpful PC. However if local experience tells another story I would like to weigh that before buying new assuming that I am not being over cautious despite my care regime. Thanks in anticipation.
My Bosch battery is six years old so I am wondering whether I should change it as a precaution. I have been caught out before. However, the car spends most time in my garage connected to my Ctek charger. Most comments I have read here are less than complimentary about the OE Moll battery. Contrary to this a recent German ADAC report, a ("Which") like testing program, indicates the Moll to be superior to any other make. I am a member of the ADAC and receive their monthly mag. I like to use OE replacements and this would placate my local and helpful PC. However if local experience tells another story I would like to weigh that before buying new assuming that I am not being over cautious despite my care regime. Thanks in anticipation.