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Replacement panels...?


New member
I'm looking at replacing both of the front wings over the winter as they have the dreaded rot under the headlights. Given the price of steel replacements over fiberglass counterparts, I'm torn as to which way to go. The fiberglass wings are typically half the price of the steel wings and lighter, but will fitting them detract from the car..? Any one any thoughts..?
It depends.

If the car is pretty tatty and worn out (ie it will never be particularly desirable), then it probably wouldn't do much harm to fit the cheap f/g wings. Also worth considering if it is used regularly on track.

However, nice 3.2 Carreras are becoming increasingly desirable and really good original examples are clearly going to be future classics. So, if the car is otherwise in excellent condition, to original spec., with a sensible mileage, history etc., then there really is no option but to do the job properly.
Don't fit fibreglass wings unless you don't care about resale value or are building a modified car of some sort and want light weight above other considerations. Wings are notoriously hard to find in a good quality glass and they will require more prepping than metal. For general road use they are not as safe in a crash either.
In my opinion you should bite the bullet and pay the extra for steel wings. cars in original condition will always get a better price when you wnt to sell. Very few people will want a car with f/g wings, i certainly would not buy one with them.

Thank's for your opinions guys, I was thinking that the steel replacements were the way to go, just gotta find the best price for them now before I bite the bullet... Ouch..!
Secondhand ones are worth considering, new are about £550 + each I managed to get a secondhand one for £250 +VAT and delivery from PH sportscars in Derby they said the car had come from America, from the condition of the wing I would say this was true. They had a write up in P and 911 world recently. Secondhand ones are out there but getting harder to find. Fitting is not hard but expect to change a few screws and have a good look whilst the wings are off especially behind the big water bottle under the N/S wing.

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