I've just experienced 2 flat battery events and tracked down the problem to something up with the radio/audio system. I've unplugged the culprit behind the dash and the drain has dropped from about 600mA to about 40mA.
So there's clearly a problem with the radio.
Meantime I'm wondering what the current drain should be with the car locked, alarmed and everything off.
I'm seeing about 40mA with some sort of random fluctuations of around 5mA.
I tried pulling each fuse individually and none of them stopped the current flow.
There was a reduction when I pulled the fuse for the diagnostics (12?) but only of about 5mA or 10mA.
Can anyone let me know what the typical drain should be in these circumstances?
I've just experienced 2 flat battery events and tracked down the problem to something up with the radio/audio system. I've unplugged the culprit behind the dash and the drain has dropped from about 600mA to about 40mA.
So there's clearly a problem with the radio.
Meantime I'm wondering what the current drain should be with the car locked, alarmed and everything off.
I'm seeing about 40mA with some sort of random fluctuations of around 5mA.
I tried pulling each fuse individually and none of them stopped the current flow.
There was a reduction when I pulled the fuse for the diagnostics (12?) but only of about 5mA or 10mA.
Can anyone let me know what the typical drain should be in these circumstances?