New member
Hello, about 5 years ago I bought my 1st and til now only 924, in the end it was to far gone bodywise (sills rotten etc.) and I didn't have the time do any work on it, so away it wnet.
Anyway back in May I had a daft bid on a nice looking 924 on good old eBay, daft in the sense that it was in Portsmouth and I live 16mls from the Scottish border, anyway won it for £155 with 6 months MOT, and it only really needed the brakes sorting.
Ran it daily up until the end of last month, but now its being stripped down ready for a winter project to get it back to how it should be.
Hope you guys don't mind but I'd like to hang around here and hopefully get some help during the re-build. Done a few over the years but this is my first 924 project.
Didn't take as many photos as I should before I started stripping down, but here's one.
And this is how things stand now!!
The bottom of the offside wing was rotten, and I've found out how bad things were since, but the good news is that this is the only bit of welding needed, rest of body is in near mint condition.
Not a fan of Auto's but I think its been the saving grace of this 924, engine hasn't been screwed and as a result its a very sweet runner, after all I drove it home from Portsmouth (some 392mls!!) without any trouble the day I bought it.
Anyway back in May I had a daft bid on a nice looking 924 on good old eBay, daft in the sense that it was in Portsmouth and I live 16mls from the Scottish border, anyway won it for £155 with 6 months MOT, and it only really needed the brakes sorting.
Ran it daily up until the end of last month, but now its being stripped down ready for a winter project to get it back to how it should be.
Hope you guys don't mind but I'd like to hang around here and hopefully get some help during the re-build. Done a few over the years but this is my first 924 project.
Didn't take as many photos as I should before I started stripping down, but here's one.

And this is how things stand now!!

The bottom of the offside wing was rotten, and I've found out how bad things were since, but the good news is that this is the only bit of welding needed, rest of body is in near mint condition.

Not a fan of Auto's but I think its been the saving grace of this 924, engine hasn't been screwed and as a result its a very sweet runner, after all I drove it home from Portsmouth (some 392mls!!) without any trouble the day I bought it.