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RS parts needed

ian harvey

PCGB Member

I need to purchase the following parts in order to have the option of restoring my car to 'standard'. No, I'm not selling but I really should source these before they all disappear:

Window winders (pair), are these the same as, say, 944 handles?
Gearnob, again, is this part shared with other models?
Steering wheel. My understanding of this is that I need to source a good secondhand 944 wheel and buy a new RS boss from OPC. Can anyone please tell me the correct diameter of the wheel?

All information and any leads gratefully received.



Rs wheel is smaller 365 mm I think and is thicker than 944 wheel,few different variants also,elevated hub etc Very hard to find part is steering wheel
Hi mate hope all is well, Gearknob should still be available, is slightly taller than the std C2 - I bought one for the yellow RS a few years ago - about £160 from OPC. Can be hard to get the old one off - it literally just pulls off the gearshift. As previously stated the wheel is very difficult to find and no longer available from OPC - tried to buy an elevated hub version for the CS but had to go Porsche Motorport Momo as no longer available - I have the std wheel for the CS but need to keep that for resale. A good alt is a plain black OE clubsport wheel (similar to the Turbo S wheel on the yellow car) with an embossed leather centre rather than a crest - a few of the german RS owners seem to sell their cars with these fitted. Cheers and speak soon, kevin
Hi Kevin, Very well thanks, you too I hope. Good information, I will keep a look-out for these, as you say there may be acceptable alternatives to the correct wheel. Does anyone know if the 944 wheel/RS boss option is a myth or is it close to the correct spec and better than nothing, albeit not strictly perfect, if you know what I mean? Ian.
Ian, I may be wrong but I think that it's probably the 944 wheel/boss assembly that is used along with the RS horn push which is the unique piece? Hopefully someone with more knowledge will weigh in :) Cheers, kevin
I had a 944 wheel was exact same diameter extended hub etc,but was thinner,rs wheel is noticeably when using thicker,had both sold 944 one for this reason,I'm sure if you get 944 wheel get southbound to re trim in rs thickness!!then buy rs horn push Rs is 944 and 928 part number if I recall,little white sticker over 944 one I think superseded with 928 .....
As mentioned there are 2 different part numbers for the wheels which correspond to early or later manufacture. The wheel specifications/dimensions are exactly the same irrespective of part number - 365mm with thick rim. Both versions come with the additional option of an extended hub. • early number: 944.347.084.09 • later number: 928.347.084.07
One on German ebay :
Well spotted Atgani, The seller seems to be continuously bidding this up, currently around 600 euro and climbing. I'll keep my eye on it but it seems risky dealing with German ebay particularly when the seller is behaving this way. I'm aware that the wheel is easily worth this kind of money and I would be prepared to pay it ....
I paid considerably more than 600 euros for my wheel and horn pad 18 months ago. I was informed at the time of the auction that the Germans aren't keen on UK based bidders, and avoid mailing stuff to the UK. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who has a German friend living near Stuttgart. He bid on my steering wheel and thus was a le to provide a German address to send it to. My guess is it's not British bidders that aren't welcome, merely the fact that Germans are wary of sending stuff abroad ?
ORIGINAL: Atgani merely the fact that Germans are wary of sending stuff abroad ?
No, we used to do that with a vengeance - it didn´t turn out well though. Don´t mention the war. Seriously: Some people here on ebay don´t want to ship things abroad. On the other hand it´s the same thing in England or America, some people simply don´t want to send things to other countries. From my experience an email or any other direct contact helps in many cases. If not, as mentioned above a local address is needed. P.S.: I once bought a car on ebay USA and had to persuade the seller that "Yes, you´ll get your money in USD, although I pay from Germany." It took its time until he accepted the deal.
Hmm.... Now at 650 euros. must call at OPC soon and check what, if anything, they have to offer on all three requirements; winders, gearknob and steering wheel
The prices of unique 64RS components are only going to go one way. 700 EUR may seem expensive, in a few years time I suspect it will look cheap.
Very pleasantly surprised by the Porsche Centre (Leeds) prices, as follows; RS steering wheel boss/pad £182.50 Window-winders £44.95 each RS gear-knob £128.00 I have ordered the lot, definitely RS parts, can't argue, way less than I was expecting to pay, even for second hand. All prices are plus VAT.
Ian, I followed the thread and I'd agree the responses of others, including Original RS Horn Pad NLA as a spare part. Been there. have located one from an OPC, so maybe you found a NOS Pad, or Porsche have run a new batch of spares. There was an RS Wheel on ebay within the last 2 years, but it did'nt look right. The horn logo on the pad looked like a dud tenner. I'd be interested to see what you receive. The steering wheel it's self will be no problem for you Good luck George
Hi George, Point taken, we'll see what turns up and I'll report back. The spares guy was adamant that he has double checked 'RS'. I told him in advance that the Knob and horn pad were RS specific but that I did not know about the winders. I can clearly remember 2 or 3 years ago mention on this forum about a batch of horn pads from Porsche that were effectively made upside-down. I will check that 'mine' isn't one of those.

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