My car has not been used for about 6 weeks and last time I was driving in snow, so disks were a bit damp when put away. I was conscious of quite a bit of rust on the disk surfaces yesterday when I set off on a 200 mile trip and indeed the brakes were extremely weak until I'd worn the rust off them with a few firm stops.
I stopped at a garage after a few miles to top up a couple of the tyre pressures and immediately saw the wheels were coated in a fine red powder!
As I moved off from the garage the ABS/ABD warning lights came on. I guess the dust has got into the teeth that spin past the sensors so the sensor can no longer tell the position of the teeth. This is definitely not the fault that causes the warning light but the ABS still works - it is very easy to create a cloud of blue smoke from the rear tyres now!
Anyone else seen this problem? Is it easy to get at the teeth to clean them? I had hoped a good blast for a couple of 100 miles would clear them out but today the light is still on.
I stopped at a garage after a few miles to top up a couple of the tyre pressures and immediately saw the wheels were coated in a fine red powder!
As I moved off from the garage the ABS/ABD warning lights came on. I guess the dust has got into the teeth that spin past the sensors so the sensor can no longer tell the position of the teeth. This is definitely not the fault that causes the warning light but the ABS still works - it is very easy to create a cloud of blue smoke from the rear tyres now!
Anyone else seen this problem? Is it easy to get at the teeth to clean them? I had hoped a good blast for a couple of 100 miles would clear them out but today the light is still on.