Just found an issue in replacing the Head on my S2, some of you may be aware of this already but worth saying I think.
The head I sourced had no cams or more important cam bearing caps. Not a problem I thought either use the old ones or buy some new caps.
So found out today the caps are matched to the head and are in theory non interchangable. So having bought a ok head and had it recond I cant use the bloodything that easily (if at all)
Have now bought a second head complete with cams (having bought 2 new cams)
I need to get the car up and running, its been off the road 3 months and now my mate has it on his ramp in bits he wants to get the job done ASAP Its also my daily driver[
I will strip the first head i bought down and trial fit the cams (old ones, new ones going in 2nd replacement head) using the caps from my original head assembly. I may be lucky and it will go together with no sticking once all torqued down correctly. If not then I am told line boring might work.
Watch this space! and all because a £25 chain broke. If you dont know when your cam chain was replaced then I woulod seriously consider having it changed sooner rather than later.
Two steps forwards 3 back[
Ps if anyone has cam bearing caps lying about I may like to relieve you of them
The head I sourced had no cams or more important cam bearing caps. Not a problem I thought either use the old ones or buy some new caps.
So found out today the caps are matched to the head and are in theory non interchangable. So having bought a ok head and had it recond I cant use the bloodything that easily (if at all)
Have now bought a second head complete with cams (having bought 2 new cams)
I need to get the car up and running, its been off the road 3 months and now my mate has it on his ramp in bits he wants to get the job done ASAP Its also my daily driver[
I will strip the first head i bought down and trial fit the cams (old ones, new ones going in 2nd replacement head) using the caps from my original head assembly. I may be lucky and it will go together with no sticking once all torqued down correctly. If not then I am told line boring might work.
Watch this space! and all because a £25 chain broke. If you dont know when your cam chain was replaced then I woulod seriously consider having it changed sooner rather than later.
Two steps forwards 3 back[
Ps if anyone has cam bearing caps lying about I may like to relieve you of them