PCGB Member
A Porsche enthusiast and Tipec member Graham Morrison has sadly passed away after a short illness .Many PCGB members will remember Graham and will have met him over the years .
It would be nice if as many people as possible could attend Graham 's funeral in their Porsche's as it was his final request.
The service is at Munns Funeral Parlor on Tuesday 14th May @ 10.45 for an 11am service .
Fishescoats Ave
Burnside Glasgow
G73 5AX
The cortege will travel to WestBurn Cemetery Half -Way for the burial .
It would be nice if as many of you could be in attendance for a fellow Porsche friend .
It would be nice if as many people as possible could attend Graham 's funeral in their Porsche's as it was his final request.
The service is at Munns Funeral Parlor on Tuesday 14th May @ 10.45 for an 11am service .
Fishescoats Ave
Burnside Glasgow
G73 5AX
The cortege will travel to WestBurn Cemetery Half -Way for the burial .
It would be nice if as many of you could be in attendance for a fellow Porsche friend .