New member
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie on this site as have just purchased a 1982 SC coupe. Awesome. Hope to educate myself about the workings of the new toy, but start with little useful knowledge!
Am loving it all so far, but am having issues with the heating, which the independent specialist from whom i bought it (porschetech) says that it works fine. However, although the fresh air blower is powerful, hot air only seems to come through when fan is turned off, and the hot air only trickles through, barely noticable. It kind of heats up the car, but it is warm outside, and i suspect at this rate it would be useless on a cold day, which kind of ruins my idea of using it as an everyday car.
Is this normal for the heating, or could it be improved. I am told the fans all work, and the heat exchamgers are ok and the wiring is fine too. The heating control panel is a bit sticky and clicks when you slide the sliders, maybe this needs to be sorted.
I'd be keen to have any advice at all !!
Many thanks to all the great feeds on here, i think i got a good buy (we'll see), as car meets all criteria laid down by you lot, that seem to be essential for one of these beauties, allowing, of course, for it being 23 yrs old.
I am a newbie on this site as have just purchased a 1982 SC coupe. Awesome. Hope to educate myself about the workings of the new toy, but start with little useful knowledge!
Am loving it all so far, but am having issues with the heating, which the independent specialist from whom i bought it (porschetech) says that it works fine. However, although the fresh air blower is powerful, hot air only seems to come through when fan is turned off, and the hot air only trickles through, barely noticable. It kind of heats up the car, but it is warm outside, and i suspect at this rate it would be useless on a cold day, which kind of ruins my idea of using it as an everyday car.
Is this normal for the heating, or could it be improved. I am told the fans all work, and the heat exchamgers are ok and the wiring is fine too. The heating control panel is a bit sticky and clicks when you slide the sliders, maybe this needs to be sorted.
I'd be keen to have any advice at all !!
Many thanks to all the great feeds on here, i think i got a good buy (we'll see), as car meets all criteria laid down by you lot, that seem to be essential for one of these beauties, allowing, of course, for it being 23 yrs old.