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I know I shouldn't complain, but my heating system seems too efficient. Even though the dial goes from 0 to 9 (i think) it only seems to have two settings, off and searing heat. It seems to make no difference if i turn the dial to 1 or max, the output is the same.

I have nice shiny stainless steel heat exchangers etc, so what could be causing this? Is there a thermostat somewhere I need to change?

Hi Chris my experience is if you have lots of heat in a 911 you are 75% there, the rest is fine tuning. Check the operation of the heater flaps and make sure they are opening and shutting equally on both flaps. If that is satisfactory the rest is down to learning how to use the dash mounted controls. If it's still to hot adjust the falps so they are only half open at DEF on the dial. If that doesn't work drive naked!
There is, or should be, a temperature sensor in the cabin. In my 3.2, it is behind a small grill in the dashboard, near the radio, but an SC has it behind the mirror, I believe.
I assume this is on your SC, does the handle between seat rise and fall; I can hear the servo motor working on mine. These are attached to the "valves" on the heat exchangers. If it is not rising and failing then the automatic system is not working. If your car is like 82 Targa SC I have a lever next to the hand brake which is bolted to the servo driving the automatic control if you unbolt this you can operate the heater controls manually. Do not try and force the lever without unbolting it as the auto control is expensive.
if it is moving then you need to check two things and since you have a new system I would check that the heater control box valves are connected to the control servo. If you can get under the car just behind the rear wheels and follow the heat exchangers upwards they should be connected by flexible large diameter pipes to the control valves. If some one operates the control in the car from 0-9 with the ignition on (but engine not running) the lever movement in the car should correspond to the fan like valves opening and closing. Mine are well knackered and need refurbishing/overhauling. It could be that when the new exchangers where fitted that the control cable was not fitted properly and the valves are fully open/closed.
Secondly, also associated with the heat exchangers there is a temperature sensor on the heat exchanger next to the valves, has this been fitted back correctly and does it work? If there is an open circuit the system will not regulate properly and you will get to much heat.
I would start with the valve operation first and then check the sensor. I also had a problem once with a faulty heater blower motor but this was intermittent heat.
Drop me a line if you want more help.
I have a lever (with red knob on end) below the heater dial that has a bolt through it. It does not move by reasonable hand pressure and I have not seen/heard it move automatically so I pressume this is the cause of my problems?

How do I get it to operate again? I do not mind controlling the heat manually if this is easier/cheaper as I am a ludite at heart that prefers simple mechanical things to fancy dooby automatic gizmos that breakdown all to easily.
You should be able to disconnect the servo by removing the bolt on the shaft of the lever. This is what I have done on our SC. The down position is cold and the up is hot. If when you have removed the bolt you get no difference, I would still check that the valves are opening and closing manually. I am hoping to go to the Ace Cafe on Monday do you live near to London or between London and Oxford? as I would be willing to have a look for you
I observed what my heating system did more closly this evening. When I turn the dial by the handbrake to 1 or above motors whir and the lever rises to the top. Therefore it must be about getting the dash controls right. I am consulting my owners manual for reference.

Interestingly, the top two levels of levers move as they should but the bottom one (with the red knob on) will only go from center position to right position. It won't slide from the middle over to the left (well it does but it springs back to the middle again). Any ideas?
So if the lever by the hand brake is moving the auto system is okay. The levers on the dash only control the distribution of air. The red knob should go all the way over to the left. typical driving position is all levers in the center. My car has a guide on the inside of the glove box, but the one in the hand book gives more settings. The two bottom levers control flaps in the air blower in the front, sounds like something is jamming one of the flaps. If the knob between the seats does not reduce the amount of hot air coming into the car it still suggests that the heat exchange valves are not operating as they should.

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