Does your car make a racket on the go below 3k or not?
Mine is diagnosed via EMC as having a scored bore on no.2 which Alex Eacock put down to a seized piston.
You won't get any noise from a scored bore , after it's been scored of course.. you will get noise when it's happening perhaps. I have a small score on number two.. or at least i did have before using Amtech.... the thing is this made no difference to performance. I know exactly when it happened too, it was the day of the rolling road meet at silverstone in 2007. The car made an awful racket on start up( hadn't been used for a few months) , at first I thought it may be a stuck tappet which is very common on 944's especially if left standing for a while.
Thinking this I kept the engine running at 2500k in an att5empt to clear it, eventually it did , now when I got to silverstone and did my power run Chris noticed a hesitation point at full bore and shut down which is what I would expect from the man, he plays safe and good for him. On inspection back home I discovered the problem, we knew it was spark and suspected a broken lead but I was horrified to discover that the plug in number two had lost a chunck of ceramic which of course had been the noise that I had mistaken for a stuck tappet. We stripped the head down to discover a small vertical score in that cylinder plus some indentations on head and piston from the broken piece of ceramic being pounded between them before dissappearing out of the exhaust.
The most impressive thing about this is that even with one spark plug not firing right the car still acheived 368bhp on it's one and only run , as most of you know the power goes up after each run on a turbo as the heat builds up so I have always wondered what it really did have on that day..
Anyway all being well and I get the car to chester with all cylinders firing as they should do I may actuallyb find out the cars true power..[8D]
The moral to this story is don't worry needlessly about a small score on a cylinder wall, mine has been running well for two years now and it's far from standard I think you'll agree?