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September Club night and Events reminder


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone
Just a reminder its club night this Wednesday the 10th September 2014. All the usual feature of club night, news at ten and your chance to take the floor with brothers JON and TOM. Thank you to all who continue to both bring prizes for the raffle and buy tickets.

PC Cambridge Open Day Service Clinic
We have received an invitation for us all to attend an Open Day/Service clinic which will be held on Saturday 4th October 2014 at the Porsche Centre Cambridge. Further info on the centre at

At this point in time I have been asked to supply eight cars for the inspection ramp. Cars that do get on the ramps will be given a free courtesy check carried out by one of the Cambridge technicians. (I suspect I will get more than eight volunteer cars in which case we will make a draw to select the lucky eight) At this point in time all places are taken but I do have a reserve list so if you would like to be entered on this just drop me an e mail. Don't be disappointed if your car is not o the ramps since on offer will also be competitions, dealership tours etc. Make the best of this offer and join us at the Cambridge dealership on Saturday the 4th October 2014. We still a few spaces for the ramp - first come first served.


With another great weather forecast for this weekend you may wish to consider joining in one of the largest events for the Club registers this year. The event is the Register Rendezvous Day on Saturday 13th Sept at Upton House & Gardens. This National Trust property is near Banbury in Warwickshire. (OX15 6HT) It will be a perfect excuse to shine up your car and to make a super display along the quarter mile driveway in front of this wonderful house. Picnics are welcome or you may like to take advantage of the restaurant once you have looked around the beautiful house.
Entrance to the house and gardens is free of charge to all PCGB members. Further details of the venue can be found at

We look forward to seeing you this coming Wednesday at Club night.

Enjoy your cars and the Club.

John Dunn

RO and Committee

Region 24 Cambs and Beds

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