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September Newsletter


PCGB. Region 9. West Midlands

Our Meetings are on the FIRST TUESDAY of the Month. However, if you want to write to me. Please note that my real Post Code is WR9 0AX, not as you may find, elsewhere.

Our meetings at the Bear Inn, now on the first Tuesday of the month, continue to be popular, with many new Members attending, complete with wives or partners.
I was pleased to see; Paul and Miriam Akerhurst; Mark & Amanda Ansell; Glenn & Sarah Hill; David & Angela Barnes; David & Martia Hartley; Alan & Carol Bennett; and Greg & Deborah Thomas, which shows that this is not just a bachelor event. Some being so keen as to turn up at the Region 13 meeting as well.
There were getting on for two dozen Porsches in the car park.

At last, the good weather is being kind to us

On October, the 2nd , Peter Cook, our Archivist at Cornbury House, is coming to tell us all about the Club's history, illustrated with many old photographs.
Just to add a bit of "˜Zing', there will be a prize or two, for the most appropriate dress, male or female of the year that the Club was started. You can work that one out for yourselves.
Perhaps Oxfam will have a field day !

On Thursday the 9th of August, many of us gathered at Curborough Sprint Track, for a most glorious summer's day.
This was shared with Region 13 and is the subject of a separate article. However, there are one or two photographs here to share with us.

Forthcoming Meetings.

Tuesday, 4th September at The Bear Inn.

Tuesday 2nd October. Peter Cook will be coming to tell us about our Archives and Porsche History. Peter say, that if you have any pictures, films video's etc., that you may consider mundane, let him know. Today's pictures are tomorrow's history as you will see in October. Will you be wearing something like it yourselves this evening ?

Tuesday 6th November. I am considering a talk on another aspect of engineering, for this month but for certain reasons, do not wish to advertise it. If you came to the September meeting, you will know; otherwise, I will discuss it further, in October, so be there.

Weekend Events.

Sunday 14th October. - Welsh Marches Treasure Hunt, postponed until next Spring.

January 2008 - I am in the process of arranging our Annual Lunch at The Bear, perhaps on the second Sunday.
Bookings will be later but please let me know as soon as you can that this is a popular choice, so I can firm things up.
A three course menu with coffee etc., is proposed, with concessions for children.

Guy Fawkes, may not be the only politically incorrect item on the cards in November, come and find out !
John Lord.

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