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Service: Stick with OPC or use specialist?


New member
I am now facing the choice of keeping servicing with an OPC or going to a specialist, the well recommended JZ Machtech.

When I look at Porsches I tend to view good specialists and OPCs as the same, to some extent favouring the specialists. But that is me and now the person who will be the eventual purchaser. What does anyone else think?

The cost differential is around £120, give or take. BTW Both do coffee.
i asked this not long ago and was advised to stay with the opc' s as then when you come to sell you will be able to show a complete porsche service history.

i' ll bring the old thread to the top for you.!!
ORIGINAL: Helen Goff

i asked this not long ago and was advised to stay with the opc' s as then when you come to sell you will be able to show a complete porsche service history.

i' ll bring the old thread to the top for you.!!

Specialist v OPC.
The money saved by using a Specialist may be lost when you come to sell the car.

BUT IMHO by using the Specialist, You are secure in the knowledge that the Servicing/Repairs were carried out to the highest standard. You do still have a full service history, but not OPC

Personally I would rather purchase a Porsche that has been looked after by a KNOWN independent and has all the invoices to prove it.

So you pay your money and take your choice.
I think it depends on the age of the vehicle.
Clearly for the first 2 years you have to use the OPCs for the warranty.
If you extend the warranty (up to 7 years and 100K miles, I think), you will still be tied in.
If I were buying a car of 3 or 4 years old of any make, I would expect it to have been serviced by the manufacturer.

The issue is at what stage would a resonable person consider it fine to start using a recognised independent. I would probably say around the 5 year mark.
If you were only doing low miles, say 3K per year, then maybe this should be longer.
Although arguably it is less important on a low mileage car since you only change the oil, and anyone can do that.

Perhaps it is best to have the last service before you sell it done by an OPC as well, so you have some official line that all is well, although the recognised independents are just as trustworthy.

Using an unknown independent would be detrimental to the value. I would be put off a purchase if Joe Bloggs Garage Enterprises Ltd had looked after it.

The issue is not whether it was properly looked after, but whether people perceive that it was properly looked after. I could do most of the work on most cars myslef, but never touch anything, since no-one wil lbelieve that you know what you are doing when it comes to resale.

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