After getting caught out last winter with a flat battery and after reading the thread on here regarding battery chargers I've invested in a CTEK 3600 which arrived today.
Unfortunately, as a girlie, I'm not very mechanically minded and after reading the instructions I've a number of what are probably very simple questions that I cannot answer. I would therefore appreciate same advice.
My Porsche is kept on the drive under a cover. The plan is to connect the charger and run th cable under the garage door and connect it there. I therefore need to be able to connect the charger directly to the battery in situ.
The first question on the instructions is to determine whether the battery is positive or negative earthed. I'm assuming negative but how do I know?
Second question is around battery type. My options are normal setting for wet batteries, MF and for most GEL batteries or another setting for AGM batteries such as optima, Maxxima and Odysseys. Which setting should I use
Third question "" should the charging unit be left in the bonnet during charging or does this need to be outside of the car. If outside can this be under the cover or under the car and does it need to be protected from the elements at all.
Thanks in advance for your help and apologies if these are stupid questions
After getting caught out last winter with a flat battery and after reading the thread on here regarding battery chargers I've invested in a CTEK 3600 which arrived today.
Unfortunately, as a girlie, I'm not very mechanically minded and after reading the instructions I've a number of what are probably very simple questions that I cannot answer. I would therefore appreciate same advice.
My Porsche is kept on the drive under a cover. The plan is to connect the charger and run th cable under the garage door and connect it there. I therefore need to be able to connect the charger directly to the battery in situ.
The first question on the instructions is to determine whether the battery is positive or negative earthed. I'm assuming negative but how do I know?
Second question is around battery type. My options are normal setting for wet batteries, MF and for most GEL batteries or another setting for AGM batteries such as optima, Maxxima and Odysseys. Which setting should I use
Third question "" should the charging unit be left in the bonnet during charging or does this need to be outside of the car. If outside can this be under the cover or under the car and does it need to be protected from the elements at all.
Thanks in advance for your help and apologies if these are stupid questions