New member
The car I mean!! Given that i've not cleaned the car since before Christmas and i've used it every week through all the crappy weather and crap on the roads she is simply filthy at the moment. Although I like a dirty car because it is a sign of a well used car, and I think there is something pure about a car that is used well in all weathers, however I do feel a slight pang of guilt about the lenght of time I've not given her some TLC so i've decided that when the weather sorts itself out i'm going to blow the dust off the pot of Zymol Titanium that has been staring at me for the past 18months and spend a good three or so hours giving her a good spruce up. So can anyone suggest a good place to get the klay stuff and the Zymol glaze stuff I need to apply before waxing? I believe the Meguires klay is supposed to be good and a damn sight cheaper than teh Zymol clay. Costco seems to be the best place for microfibre cloths.