New member
Very confused here.. I have a friend Thomas who has an '87 Turbo ... The turbo is shafted. She is a 220bhp. He has sourced a turbo K26-8 which is from an '89 on. Hes going to fit this to the '87.
He Says
This will give me 250bhp like an '89 on. The later turbos give more boost. Its just a matter of bolting it on and thats it sorted.
I Say
He will have to change the map of the engine and boost control as the wastegate will still react in the same way. Max boost at 3.5k rpm and tailing off as the revs increase. It wont make one bit difference chaging the turbo for the later version.
We have argued the above points until we are both blue in the face so who is right ...? Me ... Him or none of us....! [&:]
Very confused here.. I have a friend Thomas who has an '87 Turbo ... The turbo is shafted. She is a 220bhp. He has sourced a turbo K26-8 which is from an '89 on. Hes going to fit this to the '87.
He Says
This will give me 250bhp like an '89 on. The later turbos give more boost. Its just a matter of bolting it on and thats it sorted.
I Say
He will have to change the map of the engine and boost control as the wastegate will still react in the same way. Max boost at 3.5k rpm and tailing off as the revs increase. It wont make one bit difference chaging the turbo for the later version.
We have argued the above points until we are both blue in the face so who is right ...? Me ... Him or none of us....! [&:]