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slow windows


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Hey Paul, I thought we had an FAQ section? As I can't find it here goes.

Why is my passenger window so s.....l.....o.....w to go up (electric) ? It takes a while to go down too, but going up I wonder if it's going to make it. I don't recall it being that bad before, but of course it doesn't get much use being on that side (well, only the first inch or so and that's not too bad)

Could it be a build up of crap in the window runners? Halfords do a lubricant that disolves dirt and makes the windows go up and down smooter, it might help.
Could be a dried out motor? 17 years old!
I found that the two things that make the biggest difference are how tight the sill strip along the top of the door is and how knacked the motors are. I bought my 25 year old 924 with neither window working and after taking the winder motors apart, cleaning and oiling, they both worked fine. Taking the doors apart is a bit of a pain (no pun intended) and you have to make sure the glass doesn't drop and damage something but otherwise its worth a try . . .

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