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Solihull OPC visit 19th June


Hopefully members will have received their written invitation to visit the new Solihull showroom on the evening of the 19th June.
If you haven't then please contact Paul Seagrave.

From 6.30- 9pm a chance ot visit and look around the new facilities of Solihull OPC, with its new 2 tier sales floor and 12 bay service centre..
Also a chance for you to have a complimentary vehicle inspection from their trained technicians on the night ( booking needs to be made with the OPC)

These are usually the largest attended regional events, so a chance to mingle with other club members on the evening.
Light refreshments and bites will be available on the evening..
Gary, Paul,

I'll be along.
I guess many others have responded directly to Solihull OPC & will be there on the night too !


2004 996 C2 40th Anniversary
I think the majority have contacted Paul direct.. sadly the West mids area isn't the busiest here on the forum and I think some are shy [;)]
See you next week, as long as we don't need boats!!

I should be there , I responded direct as per the letter from OPC.
The car won't even be warmed up by the time I get there :)

Unfortunately the inspection was fully booked by the time I rang the OPC

Look forward to seeing you all

I replied on the day I received the invite and the inspections were fully booked!! Odd that[&:]
See you there.

I am new to the forum but have had my 996 Targa for just under a year now, & am enjoying it as a weekend car immensely. I have booked with the OPC & work permitted will be there. Looking forward to meeting other club members & viewing the cars.
Remember to come over and say hello to myself or Paul... he doesn't bite!
It is a very relaxed event, so easy to just mingle and chat- although the new centre is a fair old size!!

Thanks for this evening, I said hello to Paul, also managed to get a quick check over which reassuringly pointed out the things I already knew (rusty heat shields and a cracked undertray)

Hopefully I'll get along to one of the club meets, in the meantime I have tomorrow morning off, forcast is sun, the Brecon Beacons Beckon!
Very much enjoyed tonight ..the drive to & from Solihull from Burton was all the better for the England game ...traffic very light. Had my head turned by the sub £60k 2007 red 997 turbo on the upper floor....barely turned a wheel at only 5k miles. Shame it was a tiptronic otherwise I'd be risking the divorce proceedings again.
Still new to the club but will do my best to join the E Mids in July as they are just up the road in Weston.
I'm also inspired to do a Welsh run this weekend to the coast. Thanks again for a great evening amongst like minded folk. Dave S
I think the football must have put a few off attending this evening as to be fair its usually much busier on the OPC evenings!
I thought the food was great and I enjoyed a coffee from their team.
I did try to blag an inspection but was told they were fully booked [:eek:] another time...

2nd of next month the West midlands are driving over to the East midlands meeting via the long way round [;)] so hopefully we may see some of you either on the route or at the Coopers arms...

I visited mid Wales last year and you really can't go wrong in any parts of Wales, some stunning sections of roads to enjoy. [8D]

Gary, Paul,

Great evening !
I hadn't realised just how big the new site was - very impressive what the OPC profits can justify.
Coffee was good - I was wide awake much longer than usual last night[:D]
I was surpised to meet a few people from my old place of work who I hadn't realised were also in Porsches - great to catch-up.

I was also surpised to see a 997 Turbo for sale with only 5,000 miles on a 2007 plate - a very expensive toy for the original owner(s) ~£12 / mile & £12k/yr depreciation ?

2004 996 C2 40th Anniversary


I think the football must have put a few off attending this evening as to be fair its usually much busier on the OPC evenings!
I thought the food was great and I enjoyed a coffee from their team.
I did try to blag an inspection but was told they were fully booked [:eek:] another time...

2nd of next month the West midlands are driving over to the East midlands meeting via the long way round [;)] so hopefully we may see some of you either on the route or at the Coopers arms...

I visited mid Wales last year and you really can't go wrong in any parts of Wales, some stunning sections of roads to enjoy. [8D]


If you're going to The Cooper's Arms via mid Wales you can count me out :-0

Are you going to arrive in time for a meal before hand at 7 pm?
David, Yes the idea is to arrive in time for some dinner prior to the club night.
I'll post a google map up later..- it bypasses Wales this time [;)]

There was a few people looking at the Red Turbo... I don't think the previous owner would have even sratched the surface on how good the cars are..[&:]


There was a few people looking at the Red Turbo... I don't think the previous owner would have even sratched the surface on how good the cars are..

That's assuming he wasn't the owner of a Super Car Experience business

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