My battery completely drained a couple of weeks ago. I bought a CTEK conditioner, which has rescued the battery and now keeps it nicely topped up. But then found out I didn't have the radio codes.
Have been putting off phoning the dealer, thinking that they are bound to want to charge to get the code, especially seeing as I have never sent any custom their way. Gave them my VIN number and voila - 2 codes for my PCM system.
Must say I was shocked that it was so painless. So much so that I asked them to quote for my 48,000 mile service which is due - £985 vs. £480 from my local independent specialist. Ouch, that was more what I expected! []
Have been putting off phoning the dealer, thinking that they are bound to want to charge to get the code, especially seeing as I have never sent any custom their way. Gave them my VIN number and voila - 2 codes for my PCM system.
Must say I was shocked that it was so painless. So much so that I asked them to quote for my 48,000 mile service which is due - £985 vs. £480 from my local independent specialist. Ouch, that was more what I expected! []