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Anyone bought the Essential Upgrade (or any other products) from Speed-6?

What do you think?
Not heared of Speed 6 appart from in the context of TVR's or Bentlys. Can you give us any more details?
Sorry, sure its still all very new to me!!

There web site is

They have loads of products for the 944..
Cheers, yes they have some good stuff.

USA is pretty cheap right now this the exchange rates n stuff!!
Subject to value, you will be charged import duty, this is collected by the postman when he delivers the package.

I tend to consider that what ever a product is advertised in dollars will equate to what you pay in pounds by the time you add on carriage and duty.
I have bought a fair few things from the states and have never paid the import duty. Mostly for small items mind nothing over $200
have never paid the import duty

I can't remember what the threshold is when you get to pay import duty, but I have had deliveries both with and without. I'm surprised you didn't pay at $200, I thought it was less than that.
It seems to be a lottery.
Some you win...

HMC&E seem to be increasing the number of packages they decide to levy a fee on though[&o]
Yes I have had only one small package from the US which was advertised at $280. The vendor marked the customs slip with the raw cost (to him) of the parts at $30 and I paid nothing extra [:D]

This would be difficult with larger, heavier items like a wastegate or a Turbo but as most of these items are on an exchange basis, ie you get a new wastegate then send the old one back. I wonder what would be the situation if you sent your old wastegate to the US for refurbishing and then they returned it upgraded and shiny, would that still be liable? After all you are getting your own part back.
Yes very intresting, i am hoping to be getting quite a few bits from the US over the next few months, so will see what happens. A new wastegate and exhaust will prob be one of them. Wonder if you could get the vendor to put his cost on the parts not the RRP!!
Notice 350 HM Costoms & Excise tell all you need to know.

If we are purchasing things from the US not to be used in the US then there could be some exemptions from some local taxes.

So you are looking at +20% onto the price, but as i have said i havent ever paied that before.

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