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Sprung a leak!!


PCGB Member
Hello wise people of the 944 underworld!

On Monday my car sprung a coolant leak (it was a pretty chilly night here in Sheffield on Sunday!). When up on ramps there is obviously dripping but it is unclear where the source is. It comes from underneath the car and drips from the bracket that holds the power steering pump but the level seems to fall very slowly. I was also surprised by how much air was in the coolant when I opened the cap (gently!!). The engine temp is fine, nothing odd from the exhaust, power is fine, oil temp is normal and everything seems fine inside and outside the engine bay....apart from the puddle that's left on the floor after you drive away. [:(] The pipe from the radiator to the engine is also fine, in good condition, no splits and no leaks. Very confused!

Like I said , I can't see the source at all. Any pointers?! Anything that's common on an S2?!

Answers, as ever, much appreciated!

Scrap that, it's not the power steering pump. I think it's the water pump (as viewed from the front of the car it is bottom left in the engine bay and powered by a belt from the front of the engine). Leak appears to be coming from nowhere though!!


The water pump is bolted to the front of the engine, and driven by the timing belt, if the pump you're looking at is on a bracket and has its own belt then it's probably the Power steering pump. (unless you have aircon - don't know where that pump would be...)

This could be a red herring, but is it definitely coolant, and not windscreen washer fluid? the washer reservoir is huge, and buried up in that corner of the drivers side front, and there are pipes to the headlamp washers in behind the bumper. In cold weather, if you don't have enough smelly blue stuff in the water a freeze could crack a pipe, maybe? I believe that if there's a leak anywhere before the nozzles, the water will just run out.
Now I am confused! The pump in question is almost as low as anything gets in the engine bay and is at the very bottom left in the engine bay and is powered by one of the belts that is attached to the front of the engine. I don't have air con. Anyway, that's where it's dripping from but I can't see anything leaking from any of it.

It's definitely not washer fluid (sadly), it has a slight reddish colour to it and I can't smell any chemicals in it. I had hope this too!
My guess would be water pump and the water finding its way down to the steering pump, but there are several water carrying tubes and pipes around there.
Could it be the heater hose that comes off the top of the water pump housing? Mine has just started leaking there - got a new one coming tomorrow...

At first I was thinking the water pump was leaking.... until I managed to get underneath with a torch to see were it was coming from.

It's off to a specialist today to pressure check parts of the system so fingers crossed this will help. I can get under the car but I really don't know my way around these engines so don't really know which bits do what! Very frustrating!
New hose turned up today.......

Removed the old hose - it is the one that comes off the top of the water pump and connects to the pipe that runs towards the bulkhead (above the exhaust manifold) - and found 2 small splits in it.

New hose fitted is now fitted and the leak has stopped.....[:)]

Ahhh! Yes, mine also leaked there, I popped the hose off the solid bit of pipe, chopped the end off and refitted it, which has sorted the leak.

It confused me as I also had an Oil leak from the same area of the cam cover at the same time, so much head-scratching prevailed for a while!
Turns out it was a new water pump. When does the work (and cost!) stop...even temporarily?!

Since buying the car I've had so many bloody problems and shelled out nearly the car's value in repairs! Car failed it's MOT too because of the nearside ball joint. [:(]

Is anyone else as dedicated to their car and has trouble justifying it to the "non-car" people in their lives?! Every time my head (and wallet) say "no, not again!" heart say's "'s fine, don't worry about it!". So far heart has won out but brain is starting to have a bit of a point.

Frustrated....and poor!

ORIGINAL: 944Fripp

Turns out it was a new water pump. When does the work (and cost!) stop...even temporarily?!

Since buying the car I've had so many bloody problems and shelled out nearly the car's value in repairs! Car failed it's MOT too because of the nearside ball joint. [:(]

Is anyone else as dedicated to their car and has trouble justifying it to the "non-car" people in their lives?! Every time my head (and wallet) say "no, not again!" heart say's "'s fine, don't worry about it!". So far heart has won out but brain is starting to have a bit of a point.

Frustrated....and poor!

You've had everything go all at once it seems! [&o]

I always try to see the positive. As long as you're not aware of a problem then it's a shock to get the bills. Over the years you should find that the costs average out, next year it might need nothing outside routine servicing. I've had everything from a couple of hundred over a year, to well over a grand. Still good value, and many parts you replace will be good for years, if not the life of the car. [&:]

ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty
Over the years you should find that the costs average out, next year it might need nothing outside routine servicing. I've had everything from a couple of hundred over a year, to well over a grand. Still good value, and many parts you replace will be good for years, if not the life of the car. [&:]


Please can you come 'round and say exactly these words to Mrs Parker? I keep trying to tell her precisely this, but she can't see the logic, and it may come better from you.

(Please. You can have some of the beer I've just opened. If you don't then she'll just carry on bankrupting me with bl00dy compensatory handbag purchases ... )

I spent £750 in my first year, and have spent £2,100 so far this year, but I paid £2,600 for it and I hope that by the time I sell it it will still be worth £3-3.5k
Using highly developed Man-Maths you can offset these costs against the usual depreciation of a blandobox, and add in the usual hobby costs, say Golf, at £1-200/month

Add to this the fact that whilst you are working on the car you won't be chasing other women, you should be in the clear with the Missus....
Are you sure your 'Roc is a 1.8GL, I thought that the GL was only available as a 1.6, the GT as a 1.6 & 1.8 and the CL was 1.5

You're right, you know. At least, I think you are - I think it's actually a GT.

'Tis not mine - it's a friend's. He's lent it to me for a week or so while the pump appears from Germany. A very good friend too ...


Please can you come 'round and say exactly these words to Mrs Parker? I keep trying to tell her precisely this, but she can't see the logic, and it may come better from you.

(Please. You can have some of the beer I've just opened. If you don't then she'll just carry on bankrupting me with bl00dy compensatory handbag purchases ... )


Just why is it that so many people, not women specifically but all non-petrolheads, fail to grasp that the biggest cost with their car is depreciation, and although interest rates are historically low you have to factor in what the money you spend on buying that £15K car would be earning in the bank. Buy a new car and you'll lose more in VAT alone when you drive it off the forecourt than a 944 costs in an average year. My better half has lost well over £10K in depreciation alone over four years on her Legacy, and it was bought well under market value.[8|]

For me, it's more a case of "why do you need it, it keeps breaking down". Because, over 18 months it's had the passenger door handle stick, the electrical gremlins with the indicators and now the ARB clonking. About 7K miles of fun in a 20-year-old Porsche and it seems pretty reliable to me!

ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty
Just why is it that so many people, not women specifically but all non-petrolheads, fail to grasp that the biggest cost with their car is depreciation,

Never a truer word spoke there Paul.. I get this all the time .. The 944 has depreciation built in as standard...!

The 10 years I have mine I have sank a load of cash into it.. but not even close to €35000 for a new Mondeo estate thats only worth €12000 in 3 years.. Non enthusiasts just dont get it do they .....?

As I said a long time ago my missus joked that "That car costs a fortune - you are always working and messing with it - why dont you get rid of it" to which I replied " I have the car 10 years - I know you 5 years - You do the maths who will be gone first" [;)]

Seriously but my missus gets it and knows what I am like - She is available to come and discuss "the car thing" with other wives/girlfriends if required....[:D][:D]
I feel your pain Tom, it does like you have unluckily been landed with a few big bills at once [:(] On the brightside you now know those things won't need doing for nearly a decade depending on your mileage

Like Mcnulters has already said then over time it will average out. I have had my S2 for just over 12 years now and covered 106,000 miles myself in it. My sad anorak spreadsheet tells me the total maintenance cost (servicing, repairs, MOTs etc) is now just under £13000 so that's around £1000 a year.

My best year I only paid out £200 and the worst was £3000 when the waterpump, shocks, brake and fuel lines, belts and camchain all needed doing within 12 months
why oh why do I read these threads eh ?

I know it is going to depress me and cause me anxst

I haven't had to spend too much on this porker for a number of years now so I know something terrible and dire awaits me just around the corner.

One morning I'm going to go out there to start the car and the engine is going to fall out .[8|]

My advice to those that have partners who question the cost of running these cars is to buy them a horse.

Trust me there is no greater bottomless pit than a horse. Mrs Peanut has a great number of them at any one time ranging from shetties to thorougbreds that fly off at full chat at the rustle of an anorak.

When Mrs P raises an eyebrow at the cost of four new tyres I can remind her of the recent cost of special anti-midge blankets , electric fencing , Vet bills and shoeing etc .

It doesn't help my wallet any but gives me a nice smug feeling to know my indulgence is the cheapest.

Peanut, a number of my pilot friends use the same technique, the cost of an annual on a lowly Cessna 152 or Piper Cherokee can hit 5 figures if you're not careful!
Luckily we have a tame engineer who let's us do a lot of the donkey-work and then inspects it, which keeps the maintenance bills (so far) just this side of reasonable.

Horses can absorb cost at an almost simarlily alarming rate.

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