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Anyone know how to fix the squeeking window problem that develops sometimes. It's started on my Boxster's driver side window. It's got worse over the last few days when the weather has been hot and dry. Any ideas?
I did a search on this forum and found something about putting silicon on the door rubbers. Do I need the take the door card off for that and also the door membrane, I hope not I've just put a new membrane on.
Not sure if Sandeep is experiencing the same problem as me but it happens door open or closed.

I sympathise with you dude, mine did it today for the first time, frightened the life out of me I felt like I was about to be the victim in psycho movie.

I also couldnt identify the source if anyone has advice on this let us know.
Hello mate

I think it happens mainly when the weather is hot and dry. I've been told by loads of people to but some silicon product on the window rubbers to stop it squeaking, I'll let you know if it works.
Ive sussed out what is happening with mine. When the window is going down, the door seal bends down causing the squealing. Now I understand what is causing it Im not worried about it, its just annoying
how annoying!! Mine has been doing it for 2-3 weeks, reckon am going to try and fix it, or take it in!!

Its too high or low, pitch!!

Shall update also!!
I had this happen to mine and it ended up with the regulator going 'pop'
Had to get a new regulator (£100 + VAT) and 0.5hr labour (at my Indy).

Maybe the silicone would've helped, but apparently it is a common problem ....
Mine today decided that was enough of being open and closed! Thought, its your bloody job!!
Sounds like it has come off the runners, happened when i had the most annoying scratching coming from the front right!! Wheel off, and it was a small stone lodging between the disc and the clip, bleeding nightmare!!
Should have been on a date as well!! Oh well Juliet comes first!!
I've bought some silicon spray to try and sort out this window problem. Does anyone know where I apply it. Do I apply it on the rubbers which touch the window, I'm a bit confused???

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Regarding this problem now that we're in November and the temperature is cooler my electric windows hardly squeak when opening and closing. They now and again do it like there is rubber making contact with them. In the summer they were really bad when it was hot and dry. Is this a common problem on Boxster's, is their an easy fix for it.

Mentioned already - just use car glass polish (eg Autoglym) on your windows - inside and out. Secondly spray silicone down the channels.

That I am sure will cure it. BTW don't use domestic glass cleaner !
I was advised by OPC Nottingham to thoroughly clean ALL of tne rubber seal around the windows and the hood to windscreen with an aerosol Brake Cleaner and the to apply a rubber lubricant to the seals, this solution works.
A quick fix is to simply wipe the window seals with furniture polish, such as pledge. This also works but not for as long. Be careful to cover the seats etc. to prevent Brake Cleaner getting on the leather. I have used this method for 5 years on 2 Boxsters.

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