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Squeeky Rear - shocks?


New member
I've already left a post about my Carrera's rear suspension, regarding the CV joints which I think may be worn and I've yet to get under the car to inspect them.

However, the rear of the car does squeek quite a bit over bumpy ground or during 'spirited' driving. Could this be a sign that the rear shocks need replacing? The car has 108,000 on the clock and the history shows no evidence of these ever being replaced. I've done the usual bounce test on both rear quarters and the car pushes down quite easily and springs back up (and down once slightly) before settling.
I would have thought that pushing down quite easily (as mine did before the new Konis) is not a good idea. It must squat pretty bad under acceleration, making the front go quite light.
you shouldn't be able to push the rear down easily Les and as Richard says it sounds like your bushes are shot too, which ones though? Maybe it's time for a suspension refurb. I was going to do mt SC's suspension in one hit , front and rear but instead I'm going to spread the work out a little as there is a lot to do.
I'd agree with RB, sounds like Bushes... no .. not trees...
Check out :
Sounds like a good kit.
Its a full weekend job to get to the torsion bars; but not Technically that hard, just heavy work. Will be heaps on Pelican on this. An old VW beetle jack is an excellent tool for this job. The jack came with the early 60's models, some wreckers may have one.
Pete is right, this 9M kit is what you want for the bushes. I have Neatrix in my car and its as good (or nearly as good anyway) as poly bushes but without the squeaking. If I did it again I would get Elephant Racing polybronze bushes for the springplates but they are expensive and my criteria is purely track work.

You may also want sway bar bushes. Rear shocks are an easy DIY replacement if you are that way inclined, however doing all this in one hit, the labour may not be a wallet killer. Get some quotes. You will be pleasantly surprised with the improvement in ride and handling and indeed safety on wet winter roads.

So it looks like shocks and bushes. How many bushes would there be and are they likely to have worn at the same rate?

Thanks as always for your comments.....
Very common and very easy to check are the rear anti roll bar mountings.

As standard these are a weak design and often fracture and can make all sorts of squeaks and creaks.

Dead easy to check. Just look under the car on each side of the floor pan, just ahead of the rear wheel. Solution is to replace with a beefed up version. Its a welding job but only cost me about 70 quid a side including bits from JZ Machtech a year or so ago.


the rear of the car does squeek quite a bit over bumpy ground or during 'spirited' driving

On the approach road to my house is a "gi-huge" speed hump. In certain weather (dry ?) as I drove slowly over the hump, I could hear a "creak" from the back. I had had as many of the bushes replaced as humanely possible / affordable (there are a few) and still it persisted.

I then changed the drop links to the anti-roll bar, and the noise went away.

Only to return again !....

I then waxoyled the car - spraying liberally on / near the bushes.

The noise has now gone - never to darken the near silence of my car.[;)]

Good point Steve,
If I remember, I have found this once before, spraying under another car, it made the car quieter.[;)]
Thanks all. I now have a list of things to check at the rear before I decide what to replace, etc. I'm looking for a trolley jack and and want to ensure I get one low enough to get under the car. Any recommendations? I've seen some on ebay but no mention of clearance, etc.

One other thing, there are lots of mention of the various suspension components in the postings above and also on Pelican and in 101 projects. Is there anywhere that I can get a good overview of all the suspension components and how the work together. Hopefully that way I'l know excatly where each item is I need to check....
Her's some more reading for you if you haven't already seen it.

You should change or upgrade the trailing arm bushings they take a real hammering in both planes.
Hi where abouts are the bushes?. I occasionally get a creak from the back, I thought it was a loose interior panel but now it appears it could be the bushes?.

Pls advise and I will try the waxoil.


Took the car to Autostrasse today. After a short test drive and a look underneath it seems one of the anti roll bar mounts has failed. Booked in to have it corrected next week. I'll let you all know how I get on....
A good article covering bush replacement.

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