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sunroof motor


New member
............Remove carpet from LH side of boot, look for a while wondering if I've removed the correct bit of carpet. Ah, I don't have a motor fitted !!!!!! Anyone got one for sale?

Update - I've worked out how to attach a pic to give you some idea of what's missing (a lot I suspect). What do you reckon...... ?

All OK, I've been offered the parts.

I will keep you all posted on progress when I fit them, and hopefully I can tick it off the 'jobs to do' list.

thanks ....... Phil
Did I say "tick it off the jobs-to-do list?" Why do I bother....

I've got a complete motor plate assembly (944.624.055.01) from a 944 and had a go at fitting it. This has yielded a few more problems (yes, I'm beginning to realise now that the solution of one problem creates a couple more).

First step, keep it simple to start with. I attached the new motor assembly to the plate on the drive cable "" you know, the little plate attached to the end of the metal cable sleeve, with the 2 holes and the cutout where the drive pinion engages on the cable. Excellent, that was easy, I can at least bolt the unit in. Wrong!!! The 3 rubber-bushed studs that should mate up are about an inch out, with the motor plate being about 1 inch further forward than the corresponding mounting bolts/holes on the bodywork. So, dismantle and pull around on the cable to see if I can "˜release' a bit more. No go, and I had visions of the metal sleeve, along with most of the interior trim and headlining, coming out so I stopped.

Took it apart and put a straight edge from the front-upper mounting hole to the single lower hole. The pinion cutout on the cable sleeve is about 2" forward of this line. Similar check on the plate itself shows the drive pinion about 1" ahead of this imaginary line. Yep, that's consistent with it not lining up when I bolt the 2 bits together. So, anyone got a 924S who could check the part number of their motor assembly? I'm sure they should be the same for a 944 and 924 of 1988 vintage, but maybe not"¦.

The remaining problems are probably easier to look at and describe on the car, but in summary I'm baffled by the Clarkes Garage reference to the 3 microswitches, when they proceed to only mention switch I and II from there on. With the plate lying loose in the boot, and the motor lead connected I can work out which switches should be closed at which time. I move the cam by hand to simulate the correct microswitch triggers but nothing happens when I try the switch in the car (but I haven't checked that yet to see if it's connected to anything"¦) Oh, and how is the cable supposed to locate in the plastic cam? I can't believe it fits together as roughly as what I've got "" I'm sure they must have designed something mechanically better. Again, perhaps something's missing.

BTW "" I can manually raise and lower the roof with the assembly together, but not sure how to remove the roof completely. What should happen when you release the front levers? When I do, the 2 lifting arms are still firmly up against the back of the roof hence I can't see how I'm supposed to slide it back. Because I've never seen one in action I don't know if it's correct or not.

Basically I'm looking to try and eliminate a few problems so that I know what's left to solve, but not knowing what it should look (and behave) like, I'm a bit puzzled.

Congratulations if you've read this far, thanks for your patience. Any thoughts?

I've posted to R23 to elicit any local owners, but I thought some of the 924 experts may be able to help. I can send photos if you're interested.

Thanks"¦"¦"¦"¦"¦"¦ Phil
With the ignition off, operate the switch and the arcs should retratract, freeing the rear of the roof.
The PET cd shows the parts for the sunroof as 944 *** *** and the quadrant arc is toothed so should be the same as a 44. There are three microswitches all with the same part number
Did you really sit and read through the whole thing? Wow!

Yes the quadrant arm is toothed.

When you say 3 microswitches, I presume you don't include the one between the sun visors? is that a left over from earlier models and only acts as a backup - I think I read that somewhere?

On the motor plate there is a single switch down near the drive pinion which is activated when the cable is fed out (sunroof open) and 2 ganged together higher up which are actived by the cable being pulled back (sunroof closing).

cheers, much appreciated [;)]

Unfortunately due to a rash decision taken when there was still snow on the ground, I will not be able to be at the festival damn bugg*r and blast, instead I shall be in the New Forest. Oh joy!

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