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Ted Barnett 1958-1998 + 1982 944 Lux


New member
Hello all..

My name is Baz (Martin) Barnett, and I thought I would see if anyone out there in the Midlands Region remembers Ted Barnett (my elder brother) and his 1982 944 Lux - Garnet Red? He was a very active member of PCGB up until his untimely death from a Brain tumour in 1998. He regularly showed his 944 at events, even the Motor Show PCGB Stand in Birmingham. The 944 became mine in April 2005 and have showed it on several occassions and I am endeavouring to keep it in as good a condition as I possibly can. Attached is a photo of it taken on a Spring Drive I organised in April this year.. I would appreciate people's comments. If anyone does remember Ted, please reply to this or send me a message.



Hi All

There is a favourite picture of Teds in the link corridor on the first floor of Cornbury House. Ted was one of the main organizers of the original NEC Porsche Club stand and there is a picture in the 40th anniversary book showing Ted receiving an award.

The West Midlands Region Members of old will have fond memories of a very dedicated and enthusiastic and most likeable individual.

Have fun

Paul Kelley
Hi Baz, we as a family have very fond memories of Ted who we met at NEC and Stonleigh country show he was a fantastic person and a great laugh with our children who would have been babies and toddlers at the time of meeting him. We do have some good photos somewhere, one in particular of Ted in chaufeurs hat in our porsche for one of the themes of Stoneleigh. Truly a great person who is missed very dearly but always remembered with a smile.

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