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Thanks all for making our Register area very populated!


PCGB Member
Thanks to everyone who diplayed thier cars on the Register Stand at Brands over the weekend.
On the Sunday we had 13 cars on a 12 car stand (!) and had to "borrow" a space from the 928's next door!
I also noticed we were the first to arrive - we had a good 50% of our cars on the stand whilst the other registers mostly had none, or 1 or 2 at most. Who says Boxster owners are not enthusiasts?![;)]

Thanks also to those of you who were working as volunteers - much appreciated by all the members I'm sure.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone on the register area - I was intending to be there at certain times when I was not going to be "working", the trouble is we were flat out all day long in the Parade Lap office, and just got about 1 1/2 hours on the monday to look round ourselves - and then rush back for the farewell laps!

It was great to meet those we did see (mostly in the parade lap queue!) and next time hopefully we'll have a little more time to be on-hand near the register!

Thanks again, and see you all next year, (don't know where - don't know when [;)])
Mark, Claire,
The Boxster Register Stand was indeed a good display, covering pretty much all manufacturing years for both the days; which was not the case with the others i.e. majority of the other displays had a lot more gaps on Monday. Appreciate the effort you guys put into this.

It was a fantastic weekend, looking forward to next year!

[;)] Mark & Claire whatever the arrangements are for the next BIG bash in 2006 I think we should make sure you guys get more time off to enjoy the show as well
So when all is revealed maybe we can draw up a stand rota for the days concerned in the meantime thanks for all your efforts this year and hopefully catch you at the Ace during the up and coming quiet season

I was trying to thank the register - not diss the others! I was very impressed by some other registers "overflow" arrangements [;)]

All I can say about the victim of a low-polar-moment-of-inertia moment at paddock is - it wasn't me! (This time)[:D]
Mark & Claire whatever the arrangements are for the next BIG bash in 2006 I think we should make sure you guys get more time off to enjoy the show as well

And it's their round next!

Missed you Robert! [&:]

Missed you Robert! [&:]

Me 2 U John .... you were one of the few familiar faces I never saw this time around unlike last year when I hardly saw anyone for some strange reason [&o]

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