Having fitted the K&N induction system, some time ago and then upgrading the filter to a BMC one. I thought I'd take the beast back down to Parr and see if its made any difference to the power & torque outputs.
Wandered down there this morning - did a comparative test to last time i was down there:
+23.2 PS
+16.2 NM torque
Their view was that on the open road with the better induction and the ram effect of the aero kit air intake I'd get another 20hp
Adjusting the figures to a like for like comparison to manufactures claims (about 12.5% loss in car versus figures with the engine on a dyno) this gives the beast approx 440hp and 500nm torque.
This seems ever so slightly obscene, especially as peak torque arrives at about 3800rpm, for a normally aspirated car thats pretty good
This matches the relative difference of the beast with x51 kit, intake etc but with the Milltek exhaust with the revo turned off was approx 53 hp down on the current reading. Given a manufacturers claim of 381bhp plus a few for the exhaust we're back to a manufactures equivalent of approx 440 hp
More conservatively its 411.5hp on the road, which doesn't sound much until you apply the same losses to a stock C2S which will typically get around 310 - 330.
The engineer was very impressed with the overall figures especially the torque.
I now just have to improve my speed through the corners[]
Wandered down there this morning - did a comparative test to last time i was down there:
+23.2 PS
+16.2 NM torque
Their view was that on the open road with the better induction and the ram effect of the aero kit air intake I'd get another 20hp
Adjusting the figures to a like for like comparison to manufactures claims (about 12.5% loss in car versus figures with the engine on a dyno) this gives the beast approx 440hp and 500nm torque.
This seems ever so slightly obscene, especially as peak torque arrives at about 3800rpm, for a normally aspirated car thats pretty good
This matches the relative difference of the beast with x51 kit, intake etc but with the Milltek exhaust with the revo turned off was approx 53 hp down on the current reading. Given a manufacturers claim of 381bhp plus a few for the exhaust we're back to a manufactures equivalent of approx 440 hp
More conservatively its 411.5hp on the road, which doesn't sound much until you apply the same losses to a stock C2S which will typically get around 310 - 330.
The engineer was very impressed with the overall figures especially the torque.
I now just have to improve my speed through the corners[]