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Third Sunday Run Out


New member
Given that it is Le Mans this weekend, I guess a number of the regular 'third sunday' crew may be otherwise engaged. Also, it is a bit close to Sunday to be organising it.

TIPEC is on the 17th July (third Sunday), and I also assuem there will be a good number away in August.

Therefore, is anyone up for a run in September (or August if not away) - we have plenty of time to plan !!!
ORIGINAL: highfield

Given that it is Le Mans this weekend, I guess a number of the regular 'third sunday' crew may be otherwise engaged.
Was otherwise engaged but at the 914 International in Essen Germany , rather than LeMans
I still carried on the tradition on sunday starting at 7.00am and going through so great roads and empty ones, ending up in the Metropole Hotel at 9.30 in Llandrindod Wells for full english, and getting back for a full days motorsport on TV, days like that dont come much better.
The reason for not organising any more run outs was that people were getting a bit nervous about traveling at a higher pace in a large pack, and we did have a couple of misdemeanors the last two time out.
But i am still happy to orgainise somthing
john this sound interesting....."higher pace.....large pack.......misdemenours"......what 've you lot been up to.[8D]
Unfortunately I will be away on the 17th September, so may be able to do something on the 16th October. Will update nearer the time.

Hopefully catch some of you at the Royal Oak on the 15th September.
15th September (this Thursday)

It is here

On the A3400 just outside Hockley Heath as you near the M40 (South Bound exit only though).

See you there.

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