Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:07 am
Posts: 1941
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I replaced my rear Indcatour lense with clear, and resealed my lights.
Iv tried in the past with slicone, what a mess that made and required 24 hours without rain to cure.
I used 8mm x 6mm butyl tape, for the 1st time. Was really easy to work with and less sicky then I thought, MIT be the time off year.
Found it best the do each length as on strip, over hang the corner slightly and work the strips together. You can do it in one strip but it builds up slightly thicker then wanted.
Other tip is too work the over hang back away from the frame off the light, this will mimmlise squeeze up. Same I figured this out after I all ready done one side. Don't have to tighten the light up till the bolts bottom out, just tighten up anoth to seat the light where you wanted it.
When I was working round each bolt doing the final nipping up I forgot the Pannle gap and pulled on side in slightly more then I would have liked. This stuff sticks like s*** I tried to take the light back out straight after! Was even hitting it with a rubber mallet. Will just have to wait till summer now I guess.
Anyway it's pretty easy job and will be much Easyer a second time round, or 1st if I had these tips