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Tips requested: What to look out for when my 2012 991 3.4 is delivered

Paul de Waal

New member
Tomorrow I will pick up my first Porsche (2012 991 3.4). Does anybody has some tips on what I should give special attention to when the car is handed over to me? Worth putting it on the bridge?
I had a 2012 991 C2 for 2 years & had zero problems so as to what to look out for I can't give you any advise except for hope you enjoy it as much as I did mine.
Congratulations on your car - how did the pick up go? We need pictures, of course.
Thank you Peter! To be honest, I was too exited to ask all the right questions [:)]. I got it for 3 days now and slowly get the hang of it, no issues. I wanted to post it on the forum but I am still working out how to get a picture embedded in a forum message. The "forum instructions" are not super clear. Am I missing something? Is there a quick guide anywhere? It asks for a URL so I assume I must first upload it somewhere on a kind of Gallery, but I have not found that yet. Some help would be appreciated.
Hi, hope you are enjoying your car.

The easiest way to post photos is to set up a free account on a site like photobucket.

When you post the link, via copy and paste, it then needs minor editing from

Thank you Rob! "Enjoying it" is a understatement. I have a constant grin on my face and can't get it off. Regarding your GTS: Wow, what a beauty! I drove a GTS in Monterey, CA towards BigSur and back. That was the drive that made the decision to get one myself. It is not a GTS, but I think I be happy with this for a long time!

Below the proof I can do it know. Actually with Flickr, I did not have to edit anything, worked ok with
[/url]2016-06-18 10.25.08 by Paul de Waal, on Flickr

Excellent! Good idea to post on the owners thread, plenty of like minded people there.[:)]

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