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Tiptronic Gearbox failure??


PCGB Member
Hello all

New problem today!

My 93 Tiptronic 968 gearbox refuses to allow me to select manual although seems to work perfectly well in auto (drive - D), no Tiptronic warning light showing.

I've checked fuses in the fusebox and everything seems O.K.

Has anyone else had a similar problem or can anyone offer advice?

As the warning light is not showing, I'm guessing that there is a problem with a gear selector switch or something similar.

Any helpful comments or advice would be much appreciated.

Peter [;)]
Definitely need to look at the selector. It seems a common failure for one of the micro switches to go usually the one which tells the computer manual has been selected. If you can join up the 968uk forum there is a good but old thread on there with pictures showing it all and contact details for the manufacturer of the switches in germany. It seems to typically be a failure of the metal lever onto the micro switch rather than the switch itself.

To get the cover off you need to pull the leather lever knob off (just pops off on mine) and prize off the gate cover with a screwdriver. Then all the switches are revealed.
Thanks, Neil, for a speedy response and for the info you've provided. I'll certainly have a look at the 968uk forum and see the outcomes of the thread there,

The thread you want on 968Uk is

I had exactly the same problem last year on my 968 tip. Unscrew the button in the middle of the gear stick - if you've still got the plastic button it's possible the thread will be stuffed, as mine was. If that's the case, just pull the gear knob off, it's a straight pull but may be rather tight (watch your head!). I bought a replacement aluminium button from Porscheshop, then found a small Porsche badge sticker to decorate it with!

Put the gearstick in N - it helps! I also removed the ashtray (2 screws I think) so I could see the back of the surround. This just clips into place, so gentle work with a small screwdriver gets it loose and off. ISTR there are 2 clips at the back, can't remember how many along the sides and front.

Underneath you'll see a plate with a number of microswitches. Chances are the small metal arm with its little roller on the "manual select" microswitch has sheared. The actuator arm just clips into place on the microswitch, but it's so small that, even if you find the broken bits, the arm is impossible to repair.

So, to replace it - well, one member on 968UK managed to "southern engineer" something suitable. Others, me included, found the only way was down to the assistance and generosity of a particular gentleman at the original manufacturer in Germany - who said their stock of these microswitches was almost exhausted when I had my problem a year ago!

If you do remove the entire plate, chances are you'll mess up the adjustment of the funny (?Bowden) cable that controls allowing the ignition key to be removed only when the gear selector is in P! When I first got my car back, I had to be in 1st to get the key out, but adjusting this cable (front right of the plate) sorted that.
Thanks Chris

I'm registering with 968uk Forum so that I can check out the thread that you have noted in your response.

I took my 968 out this morning, used the auto box in town then switched into manual mode for a bit of fun on the open road (while I can still afford the petrol at today's exorbitant prices). Everything was great! I parked up for a couple of hours and then on the return journey I couldn't select manual! A bit of a bummer!

So, if this kindly gentleman in Germany is unable to help me, I could be in trouble?

For the moment I'd suggest your best way forward is :
1. Get onto 968uk so you can read the thread I've posted above - you'll then have a pretty good idea of what to expect when you dig into the problem.
2. Once 1 is complete, remove the gear knob and surround to have a look underneath - you'll soon see if the problem is, indeed, the actuator arm.
3. In the meantime, you can still use the box as a manual - just using D-3-2-1 rather than the tip gate!
Let us know how you get on!
Hello Chris and Neil

I'm now a fully fledged member of 968uk and I've found the thread that you have both mentioned in response to my queries.

Haven't had time yet to have a closer look at my problem - it's pretty cold here in Northern Ireland with snow this weekend - so I'll have a look as soon as I can.

Dreading the thought though as I'm not really all that technical, even though you both say that the initial dismantling may not be too difficult.

Hopefully I can source the parts that I need whether it's a new switch or an actuator arm.

I'll let you know how I get on - maybe through 968uk forum.

Best etc.,
All the ones I've read about, it's been just the actuator arm. If it's the microswitch itself, then you either need someone very good with a small soldering iron and a small drill to remove the rivets, or replace the entire plate.

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