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To SORN or not SORN.


PCGB Member
Will the Coronavirus and lockdown change your thoughts in putting your car off the road over the winter.

I SORN'd mine a couple of weeks ago, never do it through the winter - but if I can't drive on the roads I am not paying for the privilege too :ROFLMAO:

Agreed with Philip, don’t usually SORN it over winter but have SORNed it from 1/4/20 as it’s not going anywhere for a while!

Firstly, we took a view that taxes keep the lights on and pay for the NHS, so all our cars remain taxed. Secondly, we signed up as NHS responders so could be called on to transport medicines, food and people etc as part of the service.

I've historically always kept our second car taxed and insured full time just in case wife is out in "her" car and has a problem so I need the second car to go and rescue her. However, as both of us are now on 12 week lockdown I SORN'd the second car on 30th March, and it will stay SORN'd until we can again use it. Only downside is that my insurer does not offer laid up cover so it will still be insured fully comp! Could probably have dropped the cover down if I still had the classic cover for mt 968 cab, but the SLK does not qualify as a classic - initial insurance quotes were well over twice what I'd been paying for the 968, but Highway (part of LV) classed it as a future classic and mirrored my main car NCD and will give NCD on the SLK at renewal in November, so although year 1 is 40% more than the 968, that will reduce at renewal.

Mine is stuck on a ramp at my indie awaiting parts with no prospect of getting the parts any time soon. I didn't SORN it last week because I was still holding out hope of getting it back soon but I suspect that's wishful thinking. No point in me not SORNing really as can always re-tax online in a few minutes.

I've SORNed the 968.

The tax was due at the end of March anyway and as almost all of our design work has dried up at the moment and the government support for directors of small limited companies is pretty useless I didn't have much choice.

Mine's been sorned since November - I was planning to put it back on the road for April since the service and MOT are due, but with no immediate prospect of getting these done (I'm over 70 and seriously self-isolating at the moment) I'm just going to review the situation each month from now. We have 2 other daily drivers, although the MOT on one ran out on 28/3 (was booked in for 26/3 but garage cancelled) , so I just miss the Govt's extension scheme !


In the same boat MOT due but not needed as they are extending MOT for 6 months if it was due on the 30th march or after Still need my indy to service it though. Hmmm Tax it or not to tax it ....was sorn 1st oct. I guess the concourse events will be interesting when they are back on with everyone polishing there cars instead of driving them [:)]

I only bought the 997 in March Ffs. I will decide later this month. The Boxster will be sorn.

Nick_USA said:
Firstly, we took a view that taxes keep the lights on and pay for the NHS, so all our cars remain taxed. Secondly, we signed up as NHS responders so could be called on to transport medicines, food and people etc as part of the service.

Agree with this wife and I are both able to work from home and are still being paid 100% of our salaries so as a household we took the decision to continue to support the services we use from the dog walker to the boot camp....Not just because we are friends with the people who provide these services but also because we expect them to be there when we come out the other side of this!

Obviously the government has deeper pockets but same principle applies, when we come out the other side of this there is a going to be a bill...Of course I also believe in public services, and that public services have to be paid for. You may not be using the roads, but the RFL is income that the government was expecting to collect. Its not Sky sports that you can do without because the Premier league has been suspended, whilst you may want to reduce what you pay but imagine everyone would expect to receive the same service should you be unfortunate enough to need it.

At the end of the day even if I SORN’d I‘d still have to pay the car insurance!

Obviously your own situation may be different and wouldn’t blame anyone who has seen their income cut who is looking to make savings.

stephen_wood said:
In the same boat MOT due but not needed as they are extending MOT for 6 months if it was due on the 30th march or after Still need my indy to service it though. Hmmm Tax it or not to tax it ....was sorn 1st oct. I guess the concourse events will be interesting when they are back on with everyone polishing there cars instead of driving them [:)]

First concours event of the year: “In joint 1st with full marks . . . everyone“


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