ORIGINAL: trev260764
This is it. I got the 1990 blue S2 about a year ago after owning four Imprezas, it was low on history and on the V-car reg so it was cheap. I didn't like it too much to start with but as time went on I really began to love it. So much so I wanted a newer, nicer one etc etc. It's from your neck of the woods Phil "" Leeds. Turns out that the previous owner to him lived in the village where I was brought up!
This one is in good shape, a few rust spots on the sills which is usual so I intend to get them attended to. The bonnet and roof were really poor and going orange / white so I thought these would need a re-paint. I had recommended Auto Glym, Super Resin Polish so I got a bottle along with their Finishing Cloth and it's worked an absolute treat! Recommend it highly...
This S2 has a working (and lit) clock as well!
The old blue one is available to anyone interested..
Where in Leeds are you Phil?