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TQ, tappety tap?!?


New member
Hello people, my car's been standing for a month while i've been doing aid work in India and now it's developed a problem.

After driving for a while, stoping, and then when pulling away again, it leaves a small blue cloud of burned oil and then makes a tapping noise. Its not very loud so you can only hear it with the windows down and after 30mph the noise created by the wind gets too loud to hear it.

This only hoppens after the car has been running for a while and the engine has warmed up, howeever it doesent happen all the time.

Any suggestions?

cheers, Andy
Yep and i recorded the milage before it needed to be topped up again, and that seems to be ok. Oil pressure is fine the only thing i found to be low was the water level but not by much.

All very strange, but im gonna have someone take a look at it soon.

Cheers, Andy
Noises are notoriously difficult to diagnose without hearing them. If pressed I might suggest a temporary blockage of one or more of the oilways in the spraybar, leading to extra oil being fed to the remaining valve-stems which simply overcame the stem seals. It could be a cracked tappet which has rotated to a positioin to where it doesn't make a noise. Being a self drive self fixer, I would whip off the cam cover and have a look. Run the engine breifly to check output from the spraybar but dont run the engine for long or the oil will fly off the camshaft and go everywhere. Rotate the engine by hand using the crankshaft pulley and look at the beak of each lobe to see if the hardened surface is pitted or flaking off, indication oil starvation.

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