For anyone interesting in attending trackdays at a circuit that's a bit more unique, I can recommend those hosted at RAF Odiham on the airfield.
The layout uses a combination of runway and peri-track and although the only thing I do at Odiham is fly aircraft, I've seen the circuit design and it rivals (and in some cases betters) purpose built motor racing circuits. Naturally there's loads of run-off, so if you get it really wrong, your'll only end up on the grass, not in an Armco barrier!
They recently held a 1/4 mile Sprint day using the main runway alone.
The days are run by Odiham Car Club and the best bit is that you don't have to be military personnel to join in the fun. It's open to civilians too.
For more details contact or see their page at
RAF Odiham is near Hook, Hampshire and only a stones throw from Jnc 5 of the M3.
(For attendees who are also interested in aircraft, the Surrey and Sussex Police Helicopter is based at Odiham and you might even be lucky enough to see the odd Chinook stood out on Northern Charlie dispersal).
The layout uses a combination of runway and peri-track and although the only thing I do at Odiham is fly aircraft, I've seen the circuit design and it rivals (and in some cases betters) purpose built motor racing circuits. Naturally there's loads of run-off, so if you get it really wrong, your'll only end up on the grass, not in an Armco barrier!
They recently held a 1/4 mile Sprint day using the main runway alone.
The days are run by Odiham Car Club and the best bit is that you don't have to be military personnel to join in the fun. It's open to civilians too.
For more details contact or see their page at
RAF Odiham is near Hook, Hampshire and only a stones throw from Jnc 5 of the M3.
(For attendees who are also interested in aircraft, the Surrey and Sussex Police Helicopter is based at Odiham and you might even be lucky enough to see the odd Chinook stood out on Northern Charlie dispersal).