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Turbo Expansion Tank


Well-known member
Hi Guy

Anybody have a functional one lying about I can buy? Must be a few of you bought a brand new white one!!
Mines is dead and £400 for a new one is not appealing to me! Currently holding up my engine rebuild work!!


I've managed to source one from Simon @ 9 apart. £35 which seems a relative bargain if it is indeed functional! Should get delivered today.

After a lot of googling yesterday, I have a rather big unanswered question. Why is this tank £310 plus vat from OPC, why do some people sell them for the thick end of £500, and why if I order 50 to be made in China, they are $5 a piece? So in effect I could have bought 50 for the price of less than one. I'm guessing quality and quality of plastic.........but it's only fecking plastic with a metal collar in the neck. Somebody is at it here!! :ROFLMAO:

Who knows who is to blame, Porsche employ various contractors to make parts for them. I recently noticed different manufacturer names on body parts I'd ordered and also the 996 header tank I purchased from Porsche made by a company I'd never heard of in Germany. With materials shortages from covid etc and the small production runs that Porsche might request for 944 parts I guess that could make the price high on some parts..
Well the expansion tank arrived yesterday and looks watertight, isn't cracking, and the hose connectors aren't crumbling so that's three improvements on my old one! It's also the same shade of very off white just like my old one which is nice!

Have to give a shout out to Simon @ 9 apart as I also asked him for the little elbow hose I needed (my other thread). Whilst not having the exact part (well he did but it was perished) he's had a root about and included a couple of water hoses for me in good nick, and the right diameter, with elbows on them, so I can cut what I need to size (i have also ordered a silicone one but it may or may not fit properly, we'll see when it arrives). He didn't charge me for these and put them in the box along with the tank. Good service! So either way I'm well covered in the hose department now!


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