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Turbo S: Rear Valence & Side Air Scoop Painting


New member

OPC says about £1K to have these colour keyed in Agate Grey.

No removal hassle with the rear part for painting.

However they point out possible damage to the rear wheel nuts when they undo them to remove the side air scoops, asking me if I want to take the risk.

What, may I ask, is the opinion of you knowledgeable fellows about this? Can the wheel nuts get scratched?


They're centre locks aren't they?
Using the correct socket, why would they become damaged? [8|]
And what happens when you need to change your tyres? The same risk applies then, surely?

Unless you're supposed to change your car instead of your tyres! [:D]
Where the centre lock wheel nuts can become damaged is if a screwdriver is used to lever out the centre cap instead of a plastic pry tool. The screwdriver can scratch the anodising. There's no excuse for it and the OPC are being ridiculous.

Sometimes I think the service departments of car dealers (and I have to face both Land Rover and Porsche in the same week - oh joy!) are staffed by cretins. Mind you, if they knew anything and were any good, they wouldn't be doing the job.
Winding a little vinyl electrical tape around the shaft usually does the trick - simples. [8|]


ORIGINAL: Lancerlot

Winding a little vinyl electrical tape around the shaft usually does the trick - simples. [8|]



My OPC have removed both the centre wheel locks without damaging them. They suggested before hand I buy a set of 4 cap things in case they get damaged. One did & I have 3 spare now.

The painted parts are supposed to be back from their painters today.

Car's going to be ready to collect later this week. I've not seen it at all yet.

However collection isn't possible as I have decorators in the house & all the house junk is in the garage taking up the void where the car is supposed to live at night time. Not going to leave it on the drive.
So OPC are going to keep it in the showroom till all's done at home. Frustrating.

Ho hum.

Of course, providing they actually do it. With care, it's perfectly possible to remove the caps and the nuts without damage. Seems ridiculous the OPC suggesting someone buy a spare set of caps in case THEY damage them. In my book, any such damage is down to them.
I think it'll be worth it. The black plastic bits let it down for a £150K + motor IMHO. [:(]


Of course, providing they actually do it. With care, it's perfectly possible to remove the caps and the nuts without damage. Seems ridiculous the OPC suggesting someone buy a spare set of caps in case THEY damage them. In my book, any such damage is down to them.

Hi Mark,

You have a point but without arguing the toss with them I'm the one who has asked for the side air scoops etc to be painted. They're good fellows at Bristol & have provided excellent service over the years with my addiction to 911's.

At the end of the day I reckon the colour key painting will hardly be noticeable. Agate grey seems pretty dark & the blackness of the standard fittings blend in quite well & their contrast might be quite nice actually. Is it going to be worth it? I'll post some pictures up when I eventually get around to collection.


Yes, after reading you were planning on having them painted, I specifically took a look at the turbo S drive event and I don't think it's a problem with a darker coloured car but might be with a lighter one.

What I did notice when I put my hand in was that, on an otherwise clean car, they were filthy which must be down to the wet those vents suck in to feed the intercoolers.

Can't help wondering whether, like the vulnerable radiators up front, they should be covered with a mesh.
Hi Guys,

Some photo's taken yesterday at my OPC. Not good shots but some idea of the colour keyed bits...

Not sure how to show the pictures to save having to click the links but here they are:





The side scoop picture is ehanced by paint shop pro when I clicked the enhance contrast button. That's why it looks silver & not grey.

A superb machine.


Edited to show photos![:)]


Big improvement. Congratulations you must be very proud of your new motor. Did you add the door motifs too?


Chris, Clive,

Many thanks. It has the Turbo S illuminated door guards if that's what you mean Clive.

Yes, hugely proud and somewhat overwhelmed actually. Bit anxious about driving it which is daft.

I drove it back from Bristol that day & it went straight into its safe and cosy garage at home & has been there ever since while the weather's remained revolting. A really silly time of year to collect a new car.

The garage is the same one I've always parked these 911's into. Now, though there's less gap either side because it's a fatter car. Getting out when parked inside requires true acrobatics. Ages ago I stuck polystyrene sheets on the inside walls of the garage to prevent the doors decelerating sharply when they make contact when opened. Glad these are there as when extracting myself from the car the doors press into the buffering and act nicely to prevent paint damage. The door just makes a faint squeaking noise as I climb out. Rubbish garage. Beautiful car.

Work's been very busy & I've had no time to explore the car. In the 40 minute drive back from the OPC I can tell it's going to be different to my white 997 Turbo S. It's going to take a while to learn the differences though. Will have to take things easy. Initial impressions? Maybe the turn in is keener (rear wheel steering?). It seemed jolly jolly quick for something kept below 3K RPM. Not that much less tyre roar that the 997. There's a Nissan GTR like g meter display & some sort of clever looking torque graph that seems to want to be ever so important to be there. I specified the radar adaptive cruise control & that seems just like the one on the RS6 and was fun to fiddle with on the motorway on the way back.

Not a very revealing description above but that's because it remains a bit aloof but really lovely in its garage. More photos and more descriptions later if folk want to read this kind of rambling.

A great Christmas to everyone.

Hi greg

Just had half day at silverstone turbo s -drive not long enough to compare with my 997gen 2turbo
Would like to see more photos-four wheel steer really good one hiccup the car cut out whilst on ice hill-but enjoyed the car overhaul-
What was your spec for your car

Chris m
Hi Chris m,

Thanks. I'll take more photos when the car's outside.

Car spec =


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