New member
Yesterday I had a very scary moment in my 996 GT2 i was travelling down the motorway at what i can only say at the appropiate speed for a GT2 when i herd a really loud bang. First of all i thought i must of hit something but soon realized the car was not reacting properly so i quickly moved to the hard shoulder, when i got out of the car i noticed the rear tyre was completely down so i began to try and repair it with the hardening rubber pumped into the tyre method but to no avail the hole was to big. Now i was in a real situation thinking how do i get my beloved GT2 home so i rang a good freind of mine who is also a mechanic and got me home eventually . So my question is this since i would not like to be in that predicitment again is the any testing of tyres to suggest which is more or unlikely to explode more than the others and whic is the best for the GT2 . My tyres on the rear wheels are at the momnt 315/30 ZR18 oh and one more thing do u have to replace both tyres ?