I've just had my 997 C4S repainted, and like a total numpty forgot to take photos of the various decals on the door jamb before they went in the bin (Tyre pressures, VIN etc)
I was wondering if there are any kindly 2006 Carrera 4S owners out there who might be able to take a look at their car and let me know what the part number for the tyre pressure decal is, so that I can order up another?
It would be a massive help, if you're able to - I've already spent a day on Google images and Design911 looking for the relevant label (seems to be plenty of 996 ones!).
Thank you very much
I was wondering if there are any kindly 2006 Carrera 4S owners out there who might be able to take a look at their car and let me know what the part number for the tyre pressure decal is, so that I can order up another?
It would be a massive help, if you're able to - I've already spent a day on Google images and Design911 looking for the relevant label (seems to be plenty of 996 ones!).
Thank you very much