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Need a new set of tyres for my 1969 912 (chrome wheels). Prefer to buy Michelin. Any recommendations?

A standard 165 15 was the org size.
I have that on the front and want to put a larger size on the back at some time.

Have a play with this for size As for make pays your money takes your choice

There was a lenghty discussion about tyres a while ago...
may be interesting...
I have Michelins on my car, the green one in some pics... next time I am at the garage I will get the exact name and numbers if you want

I don' t know where you aare located, but the Sussex Region are having a meeting at Elite Tyres next week. Michelin will be giving a talk.
I have Michelin 165SR15s on my 912 - they made a noticeable difference to the handling of the car (the car arrived from the USA with a tyre brand I have never seen here!). Definitely a worthwhile investment.
I just had 4 new Firestone 560s fitted to my 12. I haven' t had a chance to run them in yet so can' t comment on the handling. They cost £153 fitted and balanced with new valves.
A word of warning when replacing your car' s tyres - 912' s would have been fitted with HR-rated tyres originally & if you have fitted replacements with a lower speed rating (eg SR-rated) it would be worth pointing this out to your insurance company. Nick mentioned in another thread (on roll cages) that insurance companies are notorious for using any potential loophole to wriggle out of claims (or certainly reducing any pay-out), so it' s worth pre-empting this by telling them in advance.

These are what I have on my car at the moment fyi...
They are Michelins and cost me £300 for 4

There is an interesting US link which explains all the numbers...
not sure how that relates to European legislation
The relevant statements are:

" It is NOT recommended that tires on these vehicles be replaced with tires which exhibit a lower speed rating than those specified by the vehicle manufacturer."


" ...the replacement tire must have the same or higher speed rating symbol if the speed capability of the vehicle is to be maintained."

In the UK, the only speed ratings likely to be available in the sizes suitable for fitting to a Porsche 912 or early 911 are (in ascending order) :


So, my recommendation is that if you' ve fitted SR- or TR-rated tyres, it would be worth taking the precaution of telling your insurance company.

For no useful reason, I happened to look at some tyres while in the US.
It seems to be quite normal to get mileage guarantees on the tyres. I don' t know if thie applies to high performance tyres (e.g. Goodyear Eagles), but more ordinary tyres seem to be covered for 40K or 60K miles, as I remember.
I was surprised.
Typically people don' t drive hard, so tyres have an easy life and outright grip seems not to be a priority.
It does not surprise me, therefore, if you noticed a marked improvement when replacing the tyres on a US sourced car for some Euro spec tyres.
My US-sourced car arrived in the UK with some delightfully named " Winston Winner" tyres. They passed the MOT, but the tester mentioned that they didn' t have an " E" letter on the tyre (apparently some sort of European standard), and he mentioned that they might not be considered legal if they were on the car if were in an accident.

I' m changing them (to Michelins or Continentals) anyway.

BTW they are 205/60R15 when the manual specifies a 185/70R15 for a 911E (my 911T has a 911E engine). As these are hard to come by (and more expensive) I' m going for 195/65R15' s (V rated).

Blimey! Thanks to everyone for all the info. Beginning to take it all in. Came across the Michelin Collectors range however, and the XAS 165 HR 15. It' ll cost just £500 for a set of five though. Anyone have any experiece with them? Are they worth it?
I beleive XAS are probably the most historically correct tyres or the 912, also the most expensive at £96 each !

Try and get a quote for Michelin XZX tyres as well, I was quoted £57 each, (S rated)
I' m also going for 195/65R15' s when I get new tyres as I' m struggling to find suppliers of 180/70' s. The ones I have found are very expensive.

I know Continental and Michelin' s are good brands, but could anyone recommend a good tyre type? These companies make so many types. I' m after a good performance tyre - rain/winter use isn' t important as I only use the car in good weather.

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