ORIGINAL: adrian996
Hi Paul. I did manage to get hold of a pair of Michelin Pilot Sport N1 rears just a few week ago. I was over a bit of a barrel and had to go to OPC but I know that ATS can still get them. They will bring them from another branch if you need them to - FOC. I'm going to now need some N1's for the front soon so I hope I can get some!
On a similar point, I had a bit of a bad experience with the OPC when it came to getting the four wheel geometry done (after they'd put the tyres on). They corrected the geometry after they'd done it wrong in the first place but the car just doesn't feel the same to me. Went for a blast yesterday and at one point I felt very 'remote' to the cars handling. A bit unnerving! With this in mind I've been thinking of going to Centre Gravity myself to see if all is well with the set up. Do you know how much they'd charge for just checking it? I just can't trust the OPC to get it right so I feel that I have to look elsewhere now - even if it does mean a 300 mile 'round trip!
Give ATS a call!
All the best!