Hi everyone. I wolud like any comments on the use of Bars Leaks/Radweld use to mend a drip from my heater matrix. I have sourced a new matrix but the 3 days it is likely to take me to remove dash etc has put me off. So much so that despite being MOT'd etc I have taken the car off the road since September. The heater matrix is by-passed at present. Having looked at the internet there seems to be a 50:50 split of good/bad testimonials. It appears that maybe Bars Leaks is better as has waterpump lubricant and specific type to mend heater matrixs' and Radweld is for radiators (although they do a premium product). Bar Leaks sounds as though this may be the better option.
Many of the internet comments were that it can block waterways, although it needs to meet air to work.
Anyone used this for a similar problems I would appreciate your opinions
Many of the internet comments were that it can block waterways, although it needs to meet air to work.
Anyone used this for a similar problems I would appreciate your opinions