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pity there isn't a cafe forum on here, it would be good to share a little of life's highs and lows occasionally.

Clutch on the wife's Mondeo expired before Xmas and a replacement clutch is a helluva job costing £300.00 and suspension sub-frame removal apparently .
Same day my credit card split so we had no car no food and no money ! Missus had to walk 4 miles out into the countryside to feed and muck out her horses in the dark and a snow blizzard ! It was a very stressful week.

Finally got a replacement card Thursday and my local Indie took pity on me and sold me their 2000 Mondeo Ghia courtesy car for £500 Fannnnnnntastic.

Today I had to replace a headlamp bulb and was amazed to find that I needed to remove the front grille and complete headlamp assembly just to replace a bulb !

I love my Mondeos I really do but they certainly wern't designed with ease of repair and maintenance in mind.

Whats the most difficult car to repair that you have owned
Isn't that what folk do on facebook , I'm not a real Facebook fan to say the least but it has exploded in popularity because some forums restrict what can be posted on them or what sections they want. Many forums have died a death
( and no I'm not suggesting this one will , I'm just mentioing why F.B is so popular)
because folk have thought **d it I'll just chat about whatever I want on Facebook, which has many 944 groups and every kind of bloomin group. Facebook has slaughtered my own forum.

I prefer this forum but I'll chat anywhere [:D]

Oh and I'm crap at fixing cars full stop so every car I've had comes within the difficult to fix lol , I can only go by which cars seem the dearest to fix and if I'm honest thats the Porsche. Fortunately they dont often need fixing !. It seems an MR2 which I do rather fancy is 350 for a clutch fitted and for a 944 it's 900 for one example and the list of repair prices goes on. Mr2's are well reliable little rockets too, the engines are very 944 like in their sturdiness !. Would I be seen dead in a mondeo noooooo.


they are great utiliitarian cars mas don't be such a snob and try one [:D][:D]

Honestly you'll be amazed by how confortable they are to drive all day long. Cheap as chips to run . Air con, Traction control, ABS, heated seats etc electric everything !

I have had one as a work car for many years as I wouldn't dare to take my Porsche onto Council housing estates . That would be like poking a chav in the eye lol[:D]
Just to make you feel a little better about your woes. I replaced my 924 Turbo clutch recently ...... £1000 fitted

To replace the bulb in my 2010 BMW 3 series you need to jack up, remove the wheel, remove the wheel liner and then the bulb! To remove the headlight unit you need to remove both wheels, both wheel liners then the bumper completely, then the light unit. And yes I have replaced the bulbs in my previous 2006 and 2008 BMW's!!

Chin up, at least you are mobile again
Hey ? A snob ive been viewing them for weeks looking to buy,i was just being polite baring in mind this is a porsche forum not a Toyota one

Regards Mas

Agree with the sentiment that Mondeos are pretty decent cars actually. I test-drove one for my folks about 3 or 4 years ago, and it was the best of the bunch (tested against a Passat, Octavia, Saab 9-3 and Volvo something). I'd have bought it, but my old pa was too much of a badge snob and couldn't countenance owning one and bought the Octavia instead.

But - Nick - £300 for a new clutch? Bargain! If 944 owners could have their clutches changed for £300 we'd be in clover ...

(Hardest car to fix? Well, given my car-owning history has gone golf-golf-golf-golf-golf-golf-944, I'd say it was the 944! [:D] )

I'd have bought it, but my old pa was too much of a badge snob and couldn't countenance owning one and bought the Octavia instead.

Who'd have thought we'd ever see the day where the Skoda jokes are so long gone it's a more prestige badge than a Ford! [&:]

pity there isn't a cafe forum on here, it would be good to share a little of life's highs and lows occasionally.

It's here. [:)]
ORIGINAL: ukmastiff

Hey ? A snob ive been viewing them for weeks looking to buy,i was just being polite baring in mind this is a porsche forum not a Toyota one

Regards Mas

just pullin ya leg mas [;)] Are you 944-less at the moment ?
What you need is a nice Mondeo to fill the gap lol[:D]
ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty

Who'd have thought we'd ever see the day where the Skoda jokes are so long gone it's a more prestige badge than a Ford! [&:]

tsk tsk ! .... mutter my lifetime too?! ....... shakes head [:(]

Do you know i hadn't realised we had a chat forum ! mind you I'd far rather to chat to the front engined water cooled lot that that other lot.[:D]
A Ford ! I may not be a snob but i do have some pride :)

Yes I am Porscheless by choice for the winter , unless an irresistable bargain comes along. Im crap at NOT buying.
ORIGINAL: zcacogp

But - Nick - £300 for a new clutch? Bargain! If 944 owners could have their clutches changed for £300 we'd be in clover ...


But Oli......................

I purchased the Mondeo 3 years ago for the pricley sum of £200.00

In the past 3x years Mrs peanut has consistantly trashed the car to within an inch of its life.

When the car was recovered the recovery man looked at the car absolutely dumbstruck and was nearly moved to tears.

It has been used to carry bales of hay, straw , chaff, water buckets and bags of horse-poo. It has had a smelly doberman living in it for 3 years shedding hair and was full to the roof lining with smelly mouldy clothes boots, damp jackets, saddles and tack .
Four times a day it has been driven along a 1/4 mile rutted track of flintstones .

When it was MOT'd in October the MOT inspector placed plastic seat covers over the front seats to protect his clothes from the car

ORIGINAL: peanut
In the past 3x years Mrs peanut has consistantly trashed the car to within an inch of its life.

When the car was recovered the  recovery man looked at the car absolutely dumbstruck and was nearly moved to tears.

It has been used to carry bales of hay, straw , chaff, water buckets and bags of horse-poo. It has had a smelly doberman living in it for 3 years shedding hair and was full to the roof lining with smelly mouldy clothes boots, damp jackets, saddles  and tack .
Four times a day it has been driven along a 1/4 mile rutted track of flintstones .

When it was MOT'd in October the MOT inspector placed plastic seat covers over the front seats to protect his clothes from the car
Ahhhh .... reminds me of the friend of mine who is a kitchen fitter, who drove a similarly skanky espace. When that broke down, the RAC guy insisted that my friend went with the breakdown truck because he thought it was a cheeky way of getting rid of a scrap car. Admittedly it was stuffed to the gunwhales with a scrap kitchen which cost good money to dispose of, and the cost of washing the car would have exceeded the value of it ...

Quite agree about preferring to chat with other 944 chaps than the wider PCGB bunch. I was just looking at the details of the Norway trip in the Panamera forum. The cost of the trip is just about as much as our 944s are worth [:eek:] And that Mondeo was actually damned impressive. 2003/2004 TDi Ghia model, and about the only thing I could fault was that the centre console was - to my eyes - bulbous and ugly. It was good to drive, tolerably lively, excellent inside, cheap to buy and insure and good on fuel. I suspect there is a reason why we are seeing our roads filling up with Mondeos and Focusses; it's 'cos Ford are making some damned good cars these days. I take all the points about badge snobbery, but look beyond what it says on the grille and they are a good buy.


ORIGINAL: peanut

When it was MOT'd in October the MOT inspector placed plastic seat covers over the front seats to protect his clothes from the car

I love that line. It sounds like one or two of my customers cars that I've had to collect, then driven back with the windows fully open and then felt unclean all day long before flipping a coin with my partner to see who'll drive it back [&:]
here it is in all its glory. Mind you i've removed 2x saddles, various tack,bags of rocksalt , chaff, nuts, 2x bin liner bags of assorted clothes ,boots and rubbish phew.
If pictures could smell they would smell like a dogs bed in a stable [:D][:D][:D]



Worst car to work on I've ever had has to be the mk2 mr2. changing a bulb 'hah' good luck, got a puncture 'great' there's nowhere to put the wheel you've taken off. Oh and if you want to work on the engine!! Yeah right.
That reminds me of a neighbours car when I was a kid growing up in Canada. He had an AMC Pacer that never ran on more than three cylinders and I was driven to school one day squished in the front passenger seat with his daughter because there was a sheep in the back seat.

ORIGINAL: peanut

here it is in all its glory.  Mind you i've removed 2x saddles, various tack,bags of rocksalt , chaff, nuts, 2x bin liner bags of assorted clothes ,boots and rubbish phew.

That reminds me of a neighbours car when I was a kid growing up in Canada. He had an AMC Pacer that never ran on more than three cylinders and I was driven to school one day squished in the front passenger seat with his daughter because there was a sheep in the back seat.


if the missus could get a Dartmoor pony in the car believe me it would have been in there.[&o]

You should land that Mondy up to the Ford Fair and enter the concours with it.....! Nice original condition......!

My best man (who got an awful burning at Silverstone '08 - you remember him...?) has a lovely ST220 ... Hes just gone and started to cry at the sight of your one peanut....![:D]
ORIGINAL: VanhireBoys

You should land that Mondy up to the Ford Fair and enter the concours with it.....! Nice original condition......!

My best man (who got an awful burning at Silverstone '08 - you remember him...?) has a lovely ST220 ... Hes just gone and started to cry at the sight of your one peanut....![:D]

I know [&o] I cry every time I take it to be MOT'd .Its cruelty to cars really....

I checked the oil and water a couple of months back in September and the oil was off the stick. I topped it up and told the missus it was empty.
I don't know how that can be she said, I checked it back in June [:(]


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