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Welsh concours?


New member
Hi all!

Does anyone know if there's likely to be any concours events in the near future - maybe at OPC Cardiff...?

Never been to one before and wouldn't mind giving it a go.

Hi Adrian!
1ST Congratulations to STEVE who came 2nd place at silverstone concours sunday!
I emailed ian foster directly to ask the same question and firstly Cardiff opc is a non-starter !
He told me that he has asked Mark and Steve to come up with some ideas for a concours.
Mark put forward tredager park in september and thats about it!
Ian then asked myself to take it onboard but thought i couldnt be at two places at once!
Only thing i can suggest is looking in porsche post and entering at another regions concours in there visitors section !
all the best,

Hi pt964!
As i posted months ago about us losing Cardiff opc with good reason!
Received email off Ian on 13june that he had spoken with Cardiff opc about us having a concours and using there premises for evening meetings!
They said this is no longer possible!

Only thing I can suggest is looking in porsche post and entering at another regions concours in there visitors section !

I had a very brief chat with Ian Foster at Silverstone at the weekend and maybe next year R16 and R14 could join forces for a joint concours event, but this would have to be next year as we have already held our concours in June at Castle Combe. If this comes about you would not be considered as visitors but as joint competitors with our regional members. We have done this on several occasions in the past and would be pleased to do so again.

Congratulations to Steve Poole for his win at Silverstone, well deserved and well done.

the opc's surely have a vested interest in the regional clubs attending their premisies. how else to we get enticed into buying their cars

I recently spoke with Cardiff OPC over another matter. I did however ask why was there no OPC input this year, there was a diplomatic response but reading between the lines there were apparent reasons.

I emphasised that in my opinion the use of the facilities strengthened the OPC customer relationship. I got the impression that the chap agreed with me but the matter had been decided higher up the scalar chain.

Regards Alan

i am baffled as to why the opc wouldn't want the club to meet there. i bought my 997 as a direct result of attending the club meet at the opc last june
Hi all!
Dont like to say "Told you so!" after what i said a couple of months ago and all the feedback i got was very negative!
I know the reasons why and can assure you they are very valid!
Cardiff opc staff were always enthusiastic concerning the club and events!
Porsche are a major sponsor of the club (£150k a year)and i am gutted as most people that we have lost this fabulous facility.

Hi Steve,

Sorry to be a bit behind on these events - can you e-mail me to let me know the circumstances that led to this situation?


Hi Adrian!
No problem mate and would just like to see this subject put to rest to be honest!
keep on the black stuff!
Having attended the last two concours events at OPC Cardiff and over several years before that the combined concours with R16 and R14 I am indeed surprised the event is not being held this year. Why all the secrecy? I have my car serviced and maintained at Cardiff and find it hard to believe that they would just kick the Club into touch. What's going on? Surely as a regular participant it would be nice to be kept informed.
i have now spoken to the sales manager at cardiff opc, with whom i had a very encouraging and constructive discussion.

the dealership would gladly welcome the club to its premises,and is receptive to considerate proposals, especially if the cause is of mutual benefit.

perhaps our regional organiser can come up with some suggestions, and canvas our views, then negotiate use of the facilities.
Hi Peter. That all sounds positive to me! Having now spoken to OPC Cardiff, I think that getting an event organised for this year might be a bit ambitious - it might have to be early/Spring next year as they seem pretty busy for the whole of September - and October/November don't always lend themselves to concours (or similar) events.:rolleyes:

Dare I say it.....this Friday (evening) doesn't look too bad weather-wise. If it does as promised I might go for a short blast somewhere near Swansea/Neath/PT area. Anyone please feel free to post your thoughts if you can get the time, are interested and have any suggestions.


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