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West Midlands News letter October..


PCGB. Region 9. West Midlands ""

Eynsham Hall, 2006.

"The Chubb Masterpiece Classic Car Team Challenge". What a mouthful !

Region 9 "" Best Region !

Region 9, 2nd Best Overall !

Region 9.. Won the Driving Test Challenge ! Well done Paul Musgrove.

I think, nuff said !

Unfortunately, I had very little notice of the above, just a few days before the Regional Meetings, so it was difficult to scratch a team together. Just think, if we had really tried.

In my experience, August is always a difficult time for club meetings, with so many people away on holiday and making the best of the last of the school holidays. So it was at the Drum & Monkey this month. If any of you believed that the 9th was the third Thursday, then I apologise, as I had mistakenly put the 9th in the programme. Sack cloth and ashes are the rule of the day.

On Sunday the 13th August, several Members, joined Region 13 at the Herefordshire Aero Club, Shobdon, to witness the Kings Cup Air Race.

Due to the handicapping, this started out as a string of aeroplanes every twenty seconds but gradually evolved into a very compact and thrilling finish over Shobdon Airfield.

I had a very nice letter from the Aero Club, thanking us for our contribution, for which we displayed 17 Porsches, and inviting us next year. Well done and thank you, to all those who came.

Forthcoming Events.

September 21st Meeting is taking place at the Sutton Coldfield OPC
This is in place of our usual meeting for September.

3rd Thursday Meetings.

19th October At the Drum and Monkey, All being well, an appreciation of simple aerodynamics.

16th November, Perhaps we can discuss matters raised at the Workers Conference in October.

21st December. All being well, mince pies and coffee.

Weekend Events,

October 1st Sunday Autojumble at Cornbury House. However, you will find me at the Restoration Show at Stoneleigh near Coventry.

October 15th Sunday. Another Fun Run / Treasure Hunt. This time sponsored by OPC Sutton Coldfield. All for charity. This was dealt with in detail in last month's Porsche Post and is also on the Forum. ( Simon or Mike, if you could repeat the details, It would be appreciated).

October 27th, 28th and 29th, is the Classic Car Show at the NEC, early this year. Don't miss it, and if you have spare time, volunteer to help for an hour or so. Call the Club, not me.

November 18th Saturday, - We are invited to a morning at "˜Porscheshop, Halesowen, Birmingham, to view their extended premises and get some help and advice from Ian and his crew. Put this in your schedule.

"Christmas Dinner" or New Year. We ought to think about this. We could of course go to the Drum and Monkey, but it is not exactly private. I am open to suggestions of where and when and your numbers, to encourage me that it is worth it. Last year we didn't have one for lack of response. I think we should correct that don't you ?

Don't forget, we meet on the third Thursday of the month at the Drum & Monkey, 400yds from the Solihull OPC.

Important News, Region 9 now has a Moderator for the Internet and in particular the Forum. Gary Willn has volunteered to take this on. Thank you Gary. So what you have read above, is already old hat, as it has been on the Forum for about three weeks already. This is the sign of the future and as news breaks, it will be on the Forum within a very short time. No excuse now for not knowing. Keep an eye on Region 9 both Forum and Porsche Post.

What was that ? "All hail the conquering heroes" or something like that, hmmm.

John Lord.

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